National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Major Storm System to Bring Widespread Impacts through Midweek

Extremely critical and dangerous fire weather conditions will develop over south-central Texas, including the San Antonio and Austin metros, Tuesday with strong winds and very dry conditions. Heavy snow and strong winds will impact the central High Plains and upper Midwest through Wednesday, with periods of blizzard conditions likely. Read More >

The repository for Official and Certifiable climatological data is at the National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, North Carolina (828-271-4800). The unofficial climatological information presented on this page is for your convenience only.


Boise Temperature Records

Boise-wide Monthly Temperature Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Monthly Temperature Rankings
(since 1940)

Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.     Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.     Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.


Boise-wide Annual Temperature & Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Annual Temperature & Rankings
(since 1940)


Boise-wide Seasonal Temperature & Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Seasonal Temperature & Rankings
(since 1940)

Winter    Spring    Summer    Fall

Winter    Spring    Summer    Fall


Boise's Yearly Total of 100 degree Days or Warmer
Boise's Consecutive Days of 100 degrees or Warmer
Boise's "Hot" Streak Records
Hot Summer of 2003

Hot Summer of 2013

Boise's Yearly Total of 0 degree Days or Colder
Boise's Consecutive Days of 0 degrees or Colder
Boise's "Cold" Streak Records
Top 40 Warmest Boise Summers

Boise Seasonal Temperature Extremes


Boise Precipitation Records

Boise-wide Monthly Precipitation Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Monthly Precipitation Rankings
(since 1940)

Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.    Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.    Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.


Boise-wide Annual Precipitation & Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Annual Precipitation & Rankings
(since 1940)


Boise-wide Seasonal Precipitation & Rankings
(since 1878)

Boise Airport Seasonal Precipitation & Rankings
(since 1940)

Winter    Spring    Summer    Fall

Winter    Spring    Summer    Fall


Boise City Total Monthly & Yearly Precipitation

Boise Airport Total Monthly & Yearly Precipitation

Boise-wide Precipitation Records by Calendar Day Boise Airport Precipitation Records by Calendar Day
Boise-wide Monthly Precipitation Extremes Boise Airport Monthly Precipitation Extremes

Boise Heaviest Precipitation Events
Boise Precipitation Return Frequency


Boise Snow Records

Boise-wide Monthly Snow Rankings
(since 1892)

Boise Airport Monthly Snow Rankings
(since 1940)

Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.     Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.
Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.

May     Jun.    Jul.    Aug.

Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.
Boise-wide Annual Snow & Rankings
(since 1892)
Boise Airport Snow & Rankings
(since 1940)
Boise-wide First and Last Snowfall Boise Airport First and Last Snowfall
Boise-wide Monthly & Seasonal Snow Totals Boise Airport Monthly & Seasonal Snow Totals
Boise-wide Seasonal Snow Depths Boise Airport Seasonal Snow Depths
Boise-wide Daily Snowfall Records by Calendar Day Boise Airport Daily Snowfall Records by Calendar Day
Boise-wide First Inch Snowfall Boise Airport First Inch Snowfall

Boise's Heaviest Snowfalls
Boise's Consecutive Days with Snow Cover



Normals, Means & Extremes


Boise Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Burns Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Twin Falls Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Jerome Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

McCall Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Ontario Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.

Baker City Monthly Almanacs
Jan.   Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May    Jun.    Jul.    Aug.    Sep.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec.


Boise Maximum Winds
Southeast Oregon and Southwest Idaho Frost Data
Sea Level Pressure Extremes at Boise
Holiday Weather