National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

2022 Memorable Weather Events

Residents of New Mexico often experience extended stretches of spectacular weather with pleasant temperatures, abundant sunshine, and low humidity. Those same folks also know that those pleasant stretches of weather often come to an end with dramatic storm systems that wreak havoc on travel and serve as a stark reminder of the power of Mother Nature. 2022 was another dramatic year for weather across the Land of Enchantment with several powerful storm systems producing heavy snow and extreme cold, severe winds and historic wildfires, as well as significant flash flooding. Severe weather was limited and confined to just a few days with large hail, funnel clouds, and strong thunderstorm outflow winds. As we begin a new year, the NWS in Albuquerque invites you to review some of the more "Memorable Weather Events of 2022" that impacted our region. We would like to thank all of those who shared photos and observations this past year as this information is vital to the success of the National Weather Service mission. Enjoy!

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