National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Rainfall in South Texas; Pacific Storm Moves into the Pacific Northwest

Thunderstorms may bring heavy to excessive rainfall and the potential for flooding over South Texas late Wednesday through Friday. A Moderate Risk (level 3 of 4) of excessive rainfall has been issued for portions of South Texas. A Pacific storm will begin to impact the Pacific Northwest Wednesday, bringing strong winds, heavy showers and the potential for severe thunderstorms. Read More >

Cooperative Observers


Black Mountain State Park


*NEW* The National Weather Service is looking for volunteer Cooperative Weather Observers in the following locations:

Western North Carolina: Marion, Patterson, Celo, Robbinsville and Rosman.

We will provide the necessary equipment and training.

If interested, please contact us at 1-800-267-8101 or by email at



The National Cooperative Observer is an online newsletter. The National Cooperative Observer contains interesting articles about cooperative observers, data, and recent length of service awards. There are 120 cooperative observers in the Greenville-Spartanburg County Warning Area. Across the nation there are over 8,000 such observers taking daily readings of temperature, precipitation as well as river levels and a number of other types of observations. All of these observers provide data on a volunteer basis with NWS equipment which is installed and maintained by the NWS on the observer's property. The data are forwarded to the NWS office at Greenville-Spartanburg. Thereafter they are delivered to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) once a month. If you needed climatological data for any of these diverse locations you would simply contact the NCDC (we no longer have hard copies of the data at our office). These data are used by NCDC to augment a diverse set of climatological data sets which track everything from global warming to drought.


What is the COOP Program?

Additional information about the Cooperative Observer program

Measuring Snowfall Guide and Video


Coop site locations across the NWS GSP Forecast Area 

Click on the map for a larger view.

Map of Cooperative Observer locations in our CWA