National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Active Weather for the West and Northeast Corridors

Moisture continues to flow into portions of the West, Great Basin and Rockies with strong winds, lower elevation rain and higher elevation snow. Precipitation will occasionally be heavy with impacts to travel and possible power outages. For the Northeast, gusty winds, lower elevation rain and accumulation snow for the higher terrain through this weekend; Slow improvements expected through Sunday. Read More >

Crosswind/Headwind components for: EWR

Latest observation as of 021851Z
METAR KEWR 021851Z 03008G19KT 10SM SCT055 BKN250 26/12 A3008 RMK AO2
Wind Direction: 30 degrees
Wind Speed:        8 knots
Gust Speed:         19 knots
Based on sustained speed:
Crosswind Rwy 04/22: 1 knot
Crosswind Rwy 11/29: 7 knots
Headwind Rwy 04: 8 knots
Headwind Rwy 11: 3 knots
Average of sustained/gust speeds:
Crosswind Rwy 04/22: 1 knot
Crosswind Rwy 11/29: 12 knots
Based on gust speed:
Crosswind Rwy 04/22: 1 knot
Crosswind Rwy 11/29: 17 knots