National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Pacific Storm to Impact California; Severe Weather in the ArkLaTex; Critical Fire Weather Persist in the Southern Plains

A Pacific storm with atmospheric river will bring heavy mountain snow and strong winds to the Sierra Nevada and heavy rainfall over parts of coastal southern California through Thursday. Severe thunderstorms are likely in portions of the Southern Plains into the MS Valley late Wednesday. An extended period of critical fire weather conditions will continue in the Southern Plains through Saturday. Read More >

Crosswind/Headwind components for: DFW


Begin Date: 11th   Begin time: 12Z      End Date: 12th   End time: 18Z
XW: Rwy 18/36
HW: Rwy
XW: Rwy 13/31
HW: Rwy
11 / 12Z
20 °
2 kts
36: 5 kts
4 kts
31: 2 kts
11 / 16Z
80 °
5 kts
36: 1 kt
4 kts
13: 3 kts
11 / 19Z
130 °
4 kts
18: 3 kts
1 kt
13: 5 kts


If a gust is forecast, a range of crosswind components (XW) will be listed.
The first value is based on the sustained wind speed, the second value is based on the forecast gust speed.
Headwind components (HW) are based on the forecast sustained wind speed.
999° indicates a forecast variable wind. In this case the speed is set to zero such that crosswind/headwinds are zero.


Page generated:  September 11, 2016 12:55:06 PM UTC