Arctic air will filter south and east through early this week. As this cold air moves across the South, a rare winter storm is forecast to develop from Texas, Gulf Coast States into the Southeast through early this week. Several new daily record low temperatures are expected, including new record-low maximum temperatures. For Southern California, fire weather concerns increase this week. Read More >
WX4TBW is the amateur radio station at the National Weather Service in Ruskin (Ruskin WFO). WX4TBW is utilized during major weather events or disasters such as tropical cyclones or other natural disasters which cover most of the Ruskin WFO county warning area (CWA). When WX4TBW is activated, a local amateur radio operator / SKYWARN™ volunteer will come to the Ruskin WFO and communicate with the net control and other SKYWARN™ spotters who are on the net frequency. The stations consists of the following equipment:
Activation Policy and Operating Plan (Back to Top) |
The NWS Ruskin Weather Forecast Office (WFO) utilizes two methods of operating SKYWARN™ amateur radio nets. They consist of local county-based SKYWARN™ nets, and a regional SKYWARN™ net. Both support the Ruskin WFO in local early weather warning and emergency communications functions, and assist with SKYWARN™ severe weather spotter operations. This guide is intended to serve as a tool to provide direction as to the role of the various amateur radio volunteer SKYWARN™ groups that serve the Ruskin WFO. |
Responsibilities of County and Regional Nets |
Local County Nets |
Local SKYWARN Frequencies
Regional Nets The West Central Florida Group, Inc (WCFG) NI4CE repeater system ( will be utilized for NWS Ruskin amateur radio SKYWARN™ nets during large scale natural disasters or large scale weather events such as tropical cyclones, during which the majority of Ruskin WFO's CWA is affected at the same time. During regional net activations, WX4TBW will be the assigned Net Control Station and will be operated by licensed, well-trained and dedicated Amateur Radio operators fluent in SKYWARN™ and emergency Net procedures. During such activations, all County-level Amateur Radio SKYWARN™ Nets will utilize the Regional Net to funnel their SKYWARN™ traffic to the National Weather Service whenever possible. |
The repeaters of the NI4CE system include (all repeaters have a pl tone of 100):
Summary |
Modes of Activation (Back to Top) |
Standby Mode |
Active Mode |
The Role of the Regional SKYWARN Nets on the NI4CE System (Back to Top) |
The West Central Florida Group, Inc (WCFG) NI4CE repeater system ( will be utilized for NWS Ruskin amateur radio SKYWARN™ nets during large scale natural disasters or large scale weather events such as tropical cyclones, during which the majority of Ruskin WFO's CWA is affected at the same time. During regional net activations, WX4TBW will be the assigned Net Control Station and will be operated by licensed, well-trained and dedicated Amateur Radio operators fluent in SKYWARN™ and emergency Net procedures. During such activations, all County-level Amateur Radio SKYWARN™ Nets will utilize the Regional Net to funnel their SKYWARN™ traffic to the National Weather Service whenever possible. |
Who Should I Report to? (Back to Top) |
Question: "OK, I'm still confused! Who should I call my severe weather reports in to?" |
First off, SKYWARN™ volunteers need to keep in mind that the NWS needs to get your report and information as soon as possible. As such, the NWS would like for you to use the most direct and fastest means possible to communicate your report to the NWS. Typically, the fastest way to reach the NWS is by old fashion telephone, via a call in to the 1-800 spotter reporting hot line. Please be sure to check and become familiar with the NWS Ruskin 1-800 spotter reporting hot line. It is on the back of your spotter ID card. Also, please keep in mind that this unlisted number is to be used ONLY for reporting severe weather and official SKYWARN™ matters. In the absence of routine communication methods such as land line telephone, the amatuer radio service provides an invaluable service to the NWS and the local community by way of amateur radio SKYWARN™ nets. As such, SKYWARN™ nets are usually conducted during severe weather events. If the severe weather is localized, such as the case with warm season sea breeze thunderstorms, or during the cool season with thunderstorm squall lines or convective watches (severe thunderstorm or tonado watches), please call in your report to your local county-based SKYWARN™ net. If the event is large in scale, such as tropical cyclones or other large natural disasters, you are still encouraged to call your report in to your local county-based SKYWARN™ net. However, keep in mind that during these types of events, a regional SKYWARN™ net on the NI4CE system will be in place, and you can also report your information on that net as well. Please see the Net Frequencies page for a listing of all county and regional net frequencies. |
Backup to County and Regional SKYWARN™ Nets (Back to Top) |
Backup to Local Nets:
SKYWARN Net Preambles (Back to Top) |
Local net preambles are developed and maintained by the various county-based SKYWARN™ groups. Preambles for regional nets are attached. These are subject to frequent changes and are updated often, so be sure to check back for new releases. The following are preambles for SKYWARN™ nets conducted outside of the NWS Ruskin office (remote nets): The following are preambles for SKYWARN™ nets conducted at the NWS Ruskin office at WX4TBW: |
Weekly SKYWARN Practice and Outreach Nets (Back to Top) |
WX4TBW Net Control Schedule for Weekly Nets (Back to Top) |
The table below is the net control schedule for our weekly practice net.
SKYWARN Net Control Volunteers (Back to Top) |
The National Weather Service in Ruskin would like to thank our group of volunteer net control operators who have dedicated a considerable amount of time and effort running our weekly practice and outreach nets, and conducting nets during severe weather events. The National Weather Service in Ruskin is always looking for additional volunteers. Volunteers are needed for: