National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


41st NOAA Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop

3-6 October 2016, Orono, ME

Climate Prediction S&T Digest







Contemporary challenges in short-term climate forecasting
by David DeWitt

1. 2015-16 EL NIÑO

The 2015-16 El Niño
by Michelle L'Heureux, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; CPC/IRI ENSO Forecast Team

2015-16 El Niño seasonal weather impacts from the OLR event perspective
by Andy Chiodi, University of Washington - JISAO / NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory; D. E. Harrison

Winter 2015/16 atmospheric and terrestrial anomalies over North America: El Niño response and role of noise
by Mingyue Chen, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Arun Kumar


Do statistical pattern corrections improve seasonal climate predictions in NMME models?
by Tony Barnston, Int'l Research Institute for Climate & Society (IRI), Columbia University; Michael Tippett

Exploring the impact of SST on the extended range NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System
by Christopher Melhauser,  NOAA/NWS Environmental Modeling Center and IMSG; Wei Li, and Yuejian Zhu

Improved climate prediction services for Australia
by Robyn Duell, Australian Bureau of Meteorology; David Jones, Oscar Alves, and Andrew Watkins

Status of week 3-4 activities at the Climate Prediction Center
by Jon Gottschalck,  NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Adam Allgood, Steve Baxter, Muthu Chelliah, Dan Collins, Dan Harnos, Luke He, Michelle LÂ’Heureux, Kyle MacRitchie, Peitao Peng, Matt Rosencrans, Augustin Vintzileos and Qin Zhang

Assessment of ensemble regression to combine and weight seasonal forecasts from multiple models of the NMME
by Dan Collins,  NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center

Evaluation of an NMME-based hybrid prediction system for eastern North Pacific basin tropical cyclones
by Christina Finan, Innovim LLC and NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Hui Wang and Jae-Kyung Schemm

Integration of systems engineering into weather-climate model optimization
by Jiayu Zhou, NOAA/NWS Office of Science and Technology Integration; David DeWitt

Objective, temporally and spatially skill-weighted consolidation of dynamical model forecasts for Week-2 outlooks
by Scott Handel, Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP; Melissa Ou, Mike Charles, Luke He, Dan Collins, Stephen Baxter, and David Unger,

Preliminary results of evaluation of week 3-4 reforecast data from Environment Canada
by Qin Ginger Zhang, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Dan Collins and Jon Gottschalck

Assessing performance of calibrated multi-model ensembles in the 3-4 week forecast period
by Kyle MacRitchie, Innovim and Climate Prediction Center; Dan Collins and Jon Gottschalck

Roles of remote and local forcings in the variation and prediction of regional maritime continent rainfall in wet and dry seasons
by Tuantuan Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, and Institute of Plateau Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration; Song Yang, Xingwen Jiang, and Bohua Huang

To improve hydrological prediction: the value of Medium Range Forecasts
by Li Xu & Kingtse Mo, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center

Observed tropical climate variability and long-term trend influences on U.S. temperature and precipitation forecasts for weeks 3 and 4
by Daniel S. Harnos, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Nathaniel C. Johnson, Stephen R. Baxter, Michelle L. LÂ’Heureux, and Adam D. Allgood

Evaluating CPCÂ’s operational seasonal temperature forecasts: Why aren't we beating a categorically warm forecast?
by Stephen Baxter, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center

3. ENSO & Recent Climate Anomalies

Remarkable increase in global sea surface temperature in 2014 and 2015: How was it related to El Niño and decadal variability?
by Yusuke Urabe, Climate Prediction Division, Japan Meteorological Agency; Tamaki Yasuda, Hitomi Saitou, Kazuto Takemura Yoshinori Oikawa and Shuhei Maeda

Atmospheric secular mode and its possible impact to recent El Nino teleconnection
by Peitao Peng, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Arun Kumar

Interaction between the Indian Ocean dipole and ENSO associated with ocean subsurface variability
by Hui Wang, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Arun Kumar, and Raghu Murtugudde

What is the variability in US west coast winter precipitation during strong El Niño events?
by Arun Kumar, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center

A staged communication approach to advising Australian industry on the risk of El Niño or La Niña developing
by Robyn Duell, Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Felicity Gamble, Andrew Watkins, and David Jones


Enhancing resilience to heat extremes: Forecasting excessive heat events at subseasonal lead times (week-2 to week-4)
by Augustin Vintzileos, University of Maryland - ESSIC/CISC-MD

Assessing temperature extreme trends in western ME and NH
by Chris Kimble, NOAA/NWS Weather Forecast Office, Gray, ME

A new dataset to analyze extreme events in New England
by Muge Komurcu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

February 2015: A month to remember in New England for record cold
by Corey Bogel, NOAA/NWS Weather Forecast Office, Caribou, ME

Causes of extreme ridges that induce California droughts
by Haiyan Teng, NCAR and Grant Branstator

Attribution and prediction of China droughts across scales
by Xing Yuan, RCE-TEA, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

The Quantification of Rainfall Needed to Overcome Drought: Study in North Texas
by Nelun Fernando, Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and Jasmine Montgomery

An operational drought monitoring system for the Caribbean and Central America
by Miliaritiana Robjhon, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Wassila Thiaw


Consultation with industry to improve AustraliaÂ’s climate prediction services
by Robyn Duell, Australian Bureau of Meteorology; Alison Cook, Jeff Sabburg, Helen Bloustein, Andrew Watkins, and David Jones

Application of seasonal rainfall forecasts to inform the implementation of drought contingency triggers in selected water supply reservoirs in Texas
by John Zhu, Texas Water Development Board


Verification of experimental sea ice forecasts at the NCEP Climate Prediction Center
by Thomas Collow, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center and Innovim LLC; Wanqiu Wang, and Arun Kumar

Recommendations on categorizing Arctic air mass intensity/coverage and improving the monitoring of Arctic source regions across the Northern Hemisphere
by Victor J. Nouhan, NOAA/NWS Weather Forecast Office, Caribou ME

Prediction of seasonal Arctic sea ice extent using the NMME
by Kirstin Harnos, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center and Innovim LLC; Michelle L'Heureux, and Qin Zhang

The rapid Arctic warming of January 2016: Impacts, processes, and predictability
by Simon Wang, Henry Y-H Lin, Utah State University; M.-Y. Lee, and Kathy Pegion


Rediscovering the MJO extratropical response: Streamfunction as a preferred variable for subseasonal teleconnection analysis
by Stephen Baxter, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Sumant Nigam

Variations of Mid-Atlantic trough and associated American-Atlantic-Eurasian climate anomalies
by Mengmeng Lu, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; Kaiqiang Deng, Song Yang, Guojun Zhou, and Yaheng Tan

A preliminary examination of a conventional ENKF atmospheric reanalysis
by Wesley Ebisuzaki, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center; Arun Kumar, Jeffrey Whitaker, Jack Woollen, Hyun-Chul Lee, and Leigh Zhang

Initial assessment of the Conventional Observation Reanalysis
by Leigh Zhang, NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center and Innovim LLC; Arun Kumar, Jeffrey Whitaker, Jack Woollen, Wesley Ebisuzaki, and Hyun-Chul Lee

A process-based attribution to the difference in the annual variation of surface temperature between the monsoon and non-monsoon regions
by Yana Li, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; Song Yang

An analysis of the MJO influence on the rainfall in subtropical coastal areas of East Asia
by Yun-Lan Chen, Central Weather Bureau and National Taiwan University, Taiwan; Chung-Hsiung Sui, Chih-Pei Chang, Wanqiu Wang


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