National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

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R2O Programs and Initiatives

Research Transition Assistance Program (RTAP)

Each and every day, NOAA's employees strive to promote organizational excellence and execute our mission with discipline and consistency. To sustain our critical human capital we must recruit, retain, reward, and develop the best talent possible and ensure that our customers receive the best service possible. To do that, we need infrastructure in place to support a workforce of the 21st century with Human Resource employees and services that enable us to expeditiously recruit the expertise and talent that Congress and our partners demand.

Research Transition Acceleration Program: $10M to accelerate the transition of promising NOAA research to operations and applications. These funds will prioritize projects based on their ability to advance NOAA's mission and benefit society. Accelerating these transitions allows the American public to reap the benefits of Federal investments in research and development.

Science & Technology Research & Development NAO

NAO 216-115 establishes the principles, policies, and responsibilities for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting research and development (R&D) activities comprising the entire NOAA R&D enterprise. NOAA will use this Order to strengthen the quality, relevance, and performance of its R&D portfolio.

NOAA Satellite Proving Ground

New era in satellite meteorology is upon us. S-NPP products are already flowing and being used operationally. Himawari 8 will be launched this year. GOES-R launch is NLT 2QFY16. JPSS launch is 2QFY17. Other satellite programs are coming online - GPM, SMAP, OceanSat, GCOM, Sentinel WILL WE BE READY? User readiness: Focus is changing from demonstration to implementation

2014 User Readiness Meeting