National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Rainfall in South Texas; Pacific Storm Moves into the Pacific Northwest

Thunderstorms may bring heavy to excessive rainfall and the potential for flooding over South Texas late Wednesday through Friday. A Moderate Risk (level 3 of 4) of excessive rainfall has been issued for portions of South Texas. A Pacific storm will begin to impact the Pacific Northwest Wednesday, bringing strong winds, heavy showers and the potential for severe thunderstorms. Read More >

Tim Garner

  • Meteorologist-in-Charge, SMG July 2016 - Present.  (Acting MIC August 2014 - June 2016)                                                                                                      Lead forecaster for Exploration Flight Test 1.
  • Senior Meteorologist - SMG from September 2012 - August 2014
  • Lead Forecaster - NWS Houston / Galveston from April 2012 - September 2012.
  • Senior Meteorologist at SMG December, 1993 - April 2012
    Lead Forecaster for: STS-65, STS-67, STS-72, STS-80, STS-89, STS-93, STS-97, STS-105, STS-113, STS-115 (mentoring a new lead forecaster), STS-118, STS-123, STS-127 (mentoring a new lead forecaster) and STS-132. SMG forecaster for the Ares 1X launch. Supported X-38 test operations.
  • Techniques Development Meteorologist at SMG from Aug. '91 to Dec. '93
  • Meteorologist (Intern) - NWS Amarillo, TX, April 1988 to August 1991.
  • Forecaster - Private Sector, May 1985 to April 1988.
  • B.S. in Meteorology - 1985, Master of Engineering (Space Operations) - 2003



    About me

    I have worked for both the private sector and the government as a meteorologist. I have also studied graduate level meteorology and space operations.

    My program areas at SMG currently are, well everything right now!



    My Research at SMG

    Here is a list of some of the papers and articles that I have authored or co-authored. Look for some of these to be on-line soon.




    If you have any comments or questions for me, please e-mail the SMG webmaster.

    • Hoeth, B., T. Garner, R. LaFosse and T. D. Oram, 2007: Tools Used by the Spaceflight Meteorology Group to Evaluate Space Shuttle Weather Flight Rules for Landing Forecasts, 23rd Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, San Antonio, TX.
    • Bellue, D. G., B. F. Boyd, W. W. Vaughan, J. T. Madura, T. Garner, K. A. Winters, J. W. Weems, and H. C. Herring, 2006: Shuttle Weather Support from Design to Launch to Return to Flight, 12th AMS Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Atlanta, GA.
    • Oram, T. D., T. Garner and B. Hoeth, 2005: Use of Lightning Data for Space Shuttle and Soyuz Re-entry and Landing Forecasts at the Johnson Space Center, AMS Conference on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, San Diego, CA
    • Bellue, D. G., B. F. Boyd, W. W. Vaughan, T. Garner, J. W. Weems, J. T. Madura and H. C. Herring, 2005: Weather Support to the Space Shuttle - An Historical Perspective, AMS Third Presidential History Symposium, San Diego, CA.
    • Oram, T. D., T. Garner and B. Hoeth, 2004: Use of the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) for Space Shuttle Weather Forecasts at the NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group, 20th AMS Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 16th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Seattle, WA.
    • Garner, T., 2002: International Conference on Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies NWS Southern Region Topics - Technical Attachment
    • Hale, N. W., N. O. Lamotte, and T. Garner, 2002: Operational Experience with Hypersonic Flight of the Space Shuttle, Preprints: 11th AIAA/AAAF International Conference on Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies, Orleans, France
    • Case, J. L., J. Manobianco, T. D. Oram, T. Garner, P. F. Blottman, and S. M. Spratt, 2002: Local Data Integration over East-Central Florida Using the ARPS Data Analysis System. Weather and Forecasting, 17, 3-26.
    • Oram, T. and T. Garner, 2000: Natural and Triggered Lightning Forecasts for Space Shuttle Landings, 2000 International Lightning Detection Conference. Tucson, AZ. 7-8 Nov 2000.
    • Garner, T., 2000: Return-To-Launch-Site Abort Landing Weather - Impacts Upon Launch Availability, Preprints: Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, FL
    • Garner, T. and T. D. Oram, 2000: Natural and Triggered Lightning Forecasts for Space Shuttle Landings, Preprints: Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Orlando, FL
    • Garner, T., 2000: Weather Impacts Upon Space Shuttle Landings, 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV
    • Garner, T., 1999: Verification of Space Shuttle End-of-Mission Landing WeatherForecasts, NWA 24th Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS.
    • Garner, T., 1999: Transoceanic Abort Landing Site Weather - Impacts Upon Space Shuttle Launch Availability, 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV
    • Bellue, D. G., T. Garner, 1999: Weather Flight Rules and SMG Operations to Support NASA X38 Tests, 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV
    • Garner, T., R. Lafosse, D. G. Bellue, and E. Priselac, 1997: Problems Associated with Identifying, Observing, and Forecasting Detached Thunderstorm Anvils for Space Shuttle Operations. Preprints: 7th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Long Beach, CA, 302-306.
    • Garner, T., D. G. Bellue, and F. Brody, 1996: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Plume as Seen from GOES-8 IR. National Weather Digest, 20, No. 3, 34-36.
    • Garner, T., D. G. Bellue, and G. W. Baggett, 1996: Weather Flight Rules for Space Shuttle Operations. 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV.
    • Garner, T., 1996: Integration of Radar, Satellite, and Surface Mesonet Data in a Coastal Environment: Some Operational Forecast Examples. Preprints: Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction, Atlanta, GA, 290-294.
    • Garner, T. and B. Batson, 1995: Use of NGM Regional Profile Forecasts for Fog Forecasting for Space Shuttle Landing Operations at KSC. Preprints: 6th Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas, TX, 189-191.
    • Bellue, D. G. and T. W. Garner, 1995: Nowcasting for Space Shuttle Weather Support During the STS-59 Mission. Preprints: 6th Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas, TX, 286-291.
    • Hafele, G. W. and T. W. Garner, 1993: Planned Use of a Meteorological Meso-Network to Assist Forecasting the Weather Conditions at Edwards Air Force Base for Space Shuttle Landings. Preprints: 5th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Vienna, VA, 302-306.