National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Mt. Rushmore National Park Lightning safety ceremony
Lightning Safety Toolkits

The Lightning Safety Toolkit program was founded in 2011 to increase lightning safety and preparedness at outdoor venues. These toolkits have been developed with the input and best practices of key stakeholders. Sites that show a commitment to lightning safety by filling out the appropriate toolkit below in concert with your local Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) will be listed on our website as a lightning safety site. This program is a key component of NOAA's commitment to a Weather Ready Nation. Complete an interactive form (must review and accept Terms of Use) or a fillable Word document to create a draft lightning safety plan for your organization. After you complete your draft plan, email it to your local NWS office for review. After NWS approval, your organization can then be recognized for having a written plan for lightning safety.

Need further assistance in this process? Email us!

lightning over baseball field
Outdoor Venue

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)

lightning behind a golfer
Golf Facility

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)

lightning in a park setting
Wilderness Area

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)

lightning in a town

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)

lightning at the shore
Lifeguard and Beach Patrol

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)

lightning beyond a sailboat
Boating and Sailing

Interactive Form | Download & Fill (Word Doc)


Check out our safety and outreach web pages as well.