Ohio Valley Radar Loop
East Kentucky Radar Loop
Central Kentucky Radar Loop
Northern Kentucky Radar Loop
West Virginia Radar Loop
Western Pennsylvania Radar Loop
Eastern WV/Maryland Radar Loop
Mid Atlantic Visible Satellite Image
Mid Atlantic Infrared Satellite Image
Mid Atlantic Water Vapor Satellite Image
Continental United States Visible Satellite Image
Continental United States Infrared Satellite Image
Continental United States Water Vapor Satellite Image
Continental United States Surface Analysis
Continental United States Surface Analysis with Radar
Continental United States 12 Hour Minimum Temperature Ending at 7 am EST
Continental United States 12 Hour Maximum Temperature Ending at 7 pm EST
Continental United States 24 Hour Observed Precipitation
Continental United States Current Surface Temperatures
Current 12Hr Fcst 36Hr Fcst 7 Day Fcst Thunderstorms Rain/Flood Temps/Wind New River Sun/Moon
Rain/snow showers return Saturday along with colder weather.
A strong, but moisture starved, cold front continues to cross the area from west to east during the overnight hours. Colder air behind this system could provide snow showers Saturday into Saturday night, mainly in and near the mountains, but accumulations will be minimal. A more potent storm system arrives middle of next week, bringing widespread precipitation and gusty winds.
National Weather Service Charleston, WV Weather Impacts for Summit Bechtel Reserve Next 12 Hours Valid: 03/01/2025 08 AM - 03/01/2025 08 PM EST
Sat 03/01 8 AM
Sat 03/01 9 AM
Sat 03/01 10 AM
Sat 03/01 11 AM
Sat 03/01 12 PM
Sat 03/01 1 PM
Sat 03/01 2 PM
Sat 03/01 3 PM
Sat 03/01 4 PM
Sat 03/01 5 PM
Sat 03/01 6 PM
Sat 03/01 7 PM
Sat 03/01 8 PM
Temperature 45°F 7°C 42°F 6°C 43°F 6°C 42°F 6°C 42°F 6°C 42°F 6°C 40°F 4°C 38°F 3°C 36°F 2°C 34°F 1°C 33°F 1°C 31°F -1°C 29°F -2°C
Heat Index 40°F 4°C 36°F 2°C 36°F 2°C 35°F 2°C 35°F 2°C 35°F 2°C 32°F 0°C 30°F -1°C 28°F -2°C 26°F -3°C 25°F -4°C 22°F -6°C 19°F -7°C
Wet Bulb Globe Temp 39°F 4°C 40°F 4°C 40°F 4°C 40°F 4°C 41°F 5°C 39°F 4°C 37°F 3°C 35°F 2°C 32°F 0°C 31°F -1°C 29°F -2°C 28°F -2°C 27°F -3°C
Relative Humidity 53% 58% 62% 61% 54% 51% 51% 52% 50% 50% 51% 51% 54%
Wind Speed 10 mph 16 kmh 10 mph 16 kmh 11 mph 17 kmh 12 mph 19 kmh 12 mph 19 kmh 12 mph 19 kmh 13 mph 20 kmh 12 mph 19 kmh 12 mph 19 kmh 11 mph 17 kmh 10 mph 16 kmh 10 mph 16 kmh 10 mph 16 kmh
Wind Gust 21 mph 33 kmh 23 mph 37 kmh 23 mph 37 kmh 24 mph 38 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 26 mph 41 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh 25 mph 40 kmh
Chance of Precipitation 10% 15% 20% 23% 26% 29% 29% 29% 29% 24% 19% 14% 11%
Weather Rain Rain Rain Rain Snow Rain Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow
Chance of Thunder 4% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Rainfall 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm 0.0" 0.0 cm
Sky Cover 46% 44% 51% 49% 55% 64% 74% 76% 81% 79% 78% 70% 54%
Ceiling SKC SKC SKC SKC SKC 2300 ft 3000 ft 4000 ft 5000 ft 5000 ft 5000 ft 4800 ft SKC
Visibility 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM 10.0 SM
Threat Level None Limited Elevated Significant Extreme Temperature ≤85 °F 85 to 89 °F 90 to 99 °F 100 to 104 °F ≥105 °F Heat Index ≤85 °F 85 to 89 °F 90 to 99 °F 100 to 104 °F ≥105 °F Wet Bulb Globe Temp <85 °F 85 to 87 °F 88 °F 89 °F ≥90 °F Relative Humidity ≤90 % 90 to 95 % 96 to 97 % 98 to 99 % ≥100 % Wind Speed ≤25 mph 25 to 29 mph 30 to 34 mph 35 to 39 mph ≥40 mph Wind Gust ≤25 mph 25 to 39 mph 40 to 57 mph 58 to 73 mph ≥74 mph Chance of Precipitation ≤15 % 15 to 24 % 25 to 54 % 55 to 74 % ≥75 % Chance of Thunder ≤15 % 15 to 24 % 25 to 54 % 55 to 74 % ≥75 % Rainfall ≤0.1 " 0.1 to 0.99 " 1.0 to 2.99 " 3.0 to 4.99 " ≥5.0 " Sky Cover ≤40 % 40 to 59 % 60 to 79 % 80 to 100 % ≥101 % Ceiling ≥3000 ft 1000 to 3000 ft 500 to 900 ft 200 to 400 ft ≤200 ft Visibility ≥5.0 SM 3.0 to <5.0 SM 1.0 to <3.0 SM 0.5 to <1.0 SM ≤0.5 SM
Note - Grey color indicates no thresholds assigned