National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy to Excessive Rainfall Over South Texas; Severe Weather in the Pacific Northwest

A Pacific storm will continue to bring low elevation rain and mountain snow to the Pacific Northwest into Friday. Severe thunderstorms are possible over coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest through tonight. Thunderstorms will continue to bring heavy to excessive rainfall and the potential for flooding over South Texas through Friday. Read More >

Rainfall Variations During ENSO

American Samoa Seasonal Rainfall Variations During ENSO
(Values are % of normal)

El Nino Year (0) Year (+1)
Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall
103% 116% 110% 114% 109% 107% 92% 104%
La Nina Year (0) Year (+1)
Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall
114% 87% 94% 90% 99% 86% 72% 81%