National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Rainfall in South Texas; Pacific Storm Moves into the Pacific Northwest

Thunderstorms may bring heavy to excessive rainfall and the potential for flooding over South Texas late Wednesday through Friday. A Moderate Risk (level 3 of 4) of excessive rainfall has been issued for portions of South Texas. A Pacific storm will begin to impact the Pacific Northwest Wednesday, bringing strong winds, heavy showers and the potential for severe thunderstorms. Read More >

ENSO and Climate Variability

Understanding ENSO (From PMEL)

ENSO Monitor - State of Current Conditions

From International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI): From NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Lab (PMEL):
From NOAA Earth System Research Lab (ESRL):
From Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Australia:

El Nino Map

El Nino Temperatures and Anomalies

Climatology and ENSO-Related Climate Variability in the Pacific

Tropical Cyclone Climatology in the Pacific

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