National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Vegetation files are derived from NASA LDAS vegetation data

Files named "" contain vegetation type information.

xxx - location
ill - Illinois and Blue River basins
che - Cheat River basin


· Illinois River Basin (rectangular block also covers Blue and Elk Rivers)
· Cheat River Basin

The vegetation type definition is based on IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Program) classification system.

The following table shows the exact definition:

Table 1 - IGBP vegetation type definition
Category 1 - Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
Category 2 - Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
Category 3 - Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
Category 4 - Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
Category 5 - Mixed Forest
Category 6 - Closed Shrublands
Category 7 - Open Shrublands
Category 8 - Woody Savannah
Category 9 - Savannahs
Category 10 - Grasslands
Category 11 - Permanent Wetlands
Category 12 - Croplands
Category 13 - Urban and Built-Up
Category 14 - Cropland / Natural Vegetation Mosaic
Category 15 - Snow and Ice
Category 16 - Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
Category 17 - Water Bodies


Eidenshink, J.C., Faundeen, J.L., 1994, The 1-km AVHRR global land data set: first stages in implementation, international Journal of Remote Sensing,15:3443:3462

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