National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


  • September 27, 2005. DMIP 2 'Kick Off' teleconference for prospective participants.
  • December 19, 2005. Announced delay in the radar precipitation data availability for the Oklahoma basins. Data should be available by Jan 31, 2006.
  • April 1, 2003:  Participant list updated to reflect those who actually submitted simulations.
  • March 21,2002: 'How to Submit Simulations' Link added to main page.
  • Feb. 28,2002: About the StageIII Data -- A new document describing StageIII processing/history/error sources etc.
  • Feb. 21,2002: 209 missing hourly data files from the calibration and verification periods are now available from the NEXRAD StageIII Data page.
  • Feb. 19, 2002:  Quality controlled streamflow data are available. "See Data --> Hourly Streamflow Data from USGS" link from the main DMIP page.
  • Jan. 25, 2002:  Modeling Instructions Updated. Participants list updated.
  • Jan. 15, 2002:  Up to now, the hourly streamflow data provided on this web site did not correctly account for the fact that the USGS raw data we obtained were recorded based on Daylight Savings Time in the summer. This was discovered when we went back to the USGS to request additional data. The data for the calibration period (through May, 1999) available through this web site have been replaced with data in which the Daylight Savings Time offset is correctly accounted for.
  • Jan. 15, 2002:  30-m DEM data for HUC 11070208 containing the areas draining to the Elk River at Tiff City, MO Gage 07189000 now available.
  • Dec. 20, 2001:  For the ABRFC StageIII data, we are aware that approximately 800 hours of archived data are missing for various days during the verification period. We are working to obtain the missing data from other archives. A notice will be posted to this page when the data become available.
  • Dec. 20, 2001:  The specific basins that will be included in initial simulation comparisons (due March 31, 2001) are described in the Modeling Instructions. The Modeling Instructions have not changed; however, we had initially planned to add the Cheat River Basin in West Virginia and the Marais Des Cygnes in Kansas. Comparisons for these basins will not be included in the initial phase (March 31, 2001 submissions) of DMIP because there are significant concerns about precipitation biases in the existing NEXRAD archives.
  • Dec. 18, 2001:  Added link from Cross-section Data page to USGS Streamflow Measurements page
  • Dec. 14, 2001: If you have registered and do not see your name on the "List of Participants" page, please e-mail The registration page has not been working properly in some cases. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  • September 20, 2001: Update the list of participants
  • July 19, 2001: Instruction of using energy forcing field data is added to the end of Modeling Instruction / A. General Comments, and onto the Energy Forcing Fields page under Data page;
  • July 17, 2001: Data description is added at the bottom of Observed Energy Field Page.
  • July 10, 2001: Pictures of cross section over Blue River are provided under Data/Cross Section Data;
  • June 3, 2001: Headers of vegetation, greenness fraction data files are corrected.
  • May 17, 2001: Code to Read an XMRG File under the Data --> NEXRAD Stage III Precipitation Data link has been modified. See explanation on NEXRAD Stage III Data Page.



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