National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Deadline  Task
Jan. 5, 2000  Basic draft plan ok'd in OH 
Spring AGU
meeting, 2000
General presentation of Project:
NWS Town Hall meeting May 31, 5:00-6:00 pm, AGU Conf
Jun. 1, 2000 Finish draft  DMIP Science Plan
Dec. 2000  1.  DMIP Announcement
2.  Basic DMIP Webpage lunched
Jan. 31, 2001  1.  All data in place for Illinois River Basins, Elk River Basin
    and Blue River Basin
2.  Metadata and utilities in place
Mar. 31, 2002 Participants send results to HL for analysis
Jun. 2002  HL hosted workshop
1.  Presentation by participants
2.  Summary of simulations (HL)
3.  Discussion of future activities: journal paper, continuation of project, etc


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