National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


--> Click here for the schedule

Attached is a preliminary schedule of DMIP 2 activities. In general, we plan to allow participants a year or more (after we post the data) to complete the simulations for Oklahoma and the Western Basins. For example, for the Oklahoma basins, we would like participants to work towards a deadline of May 31, 2007 (extended from February 28, 2007) deadline to submit their calibrated and uncalibrated distributed simulations, soil moisture, and routing simulations. The forecast, soil moisture, and routing experiments for Oklahoma can be conducted after participants set up their models. Note that we plan to post the basic forcing data for the Western basins sometime in the summer of 2006. Participants would then have a year to generate their simulations. Of course, participants can start setting up their models now for the American and Carson basins using DEM, land cover and other data sets.

Note: The data from the HMT observation campaigns from the winters of 2005-2006, 2007-2007, and 2008-2009, will be available to participants after they are processed into a useable form for the DMIP 2 experiments.

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