National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Note: March 22, 2010 Restart of DMIP 2 - New Data Available for Western Basins

Distributed Hydrologic Model
Intercomparison Project - Phase 2 (DMIP 2)

The Hydrology Laboratory (HL) of NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) proposes the second phase of the Distributed Model Intercomparison Project (DMIP 2). The intent of DMIP 2 is to invite the academic community and other researchers to help guide the NOAA/NWS's distributed modeling research by participating in a comparison of distributed models applied to test data sets in two vastly different geographic regions.

DMIP 2 contains two scientific thrusts. First, we propose to continue the experiments in the DMIP 1 basins, capitalizing on nearly 4 more years of data. Additional experiments in these areas are designed as well to explore new issues not covered in DMIP 1. Second, DMIP 2 will contain experiments in two basins in the Sierra Nevada mountains, allowing researchers to test their models in areas of complex hydrology.

As in DMIP 1, HL will provide data sets for several basins. Participants will download the data sets and run their models in continuous simulation mode. Model simulations will be compared to observed streamflow data as well as simulations generated from a lumped application of the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) model. Participants will be invited to meet in an HL-sponsored workshop to discuss results and future directions. Results of DMIP 2 will be used to guide future HL's distributed modeling research and applications.

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