NOAA Atlas 2 Precipitation Frequency Estimates
in GIS Compatible Formats
Effective August 6, 2003, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 1 for Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.
Effective April 8, 2011, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 6 for California.
Effective April 19, 2013, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 8 for Colorado.
Effective August 31, 2024, NOAA Atlas 2 has been superseded by NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 12 for Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Visit the Precipitation Frequency Data Server for more information.
This web page provides access to high-resolution (15-sec) NOAA Atlas 2 precipitation frequency grids for 2-year and 100-year average recurrence intervals and for 6-hour and 24-hour durations for 5 states in the western U.S. (Oregon, Washington).
To view a scanned version of current NOAA Atlas 2 document for a specific state, please visit our PF Documents page.
To view a complete set of scanned maps from NOAA Atlas 2, visit the Western Regional Climate Center page.