National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Decision Support Weather Briefing








Current Conditions
Local Radar Regional Radar
Surface Observations Regional Satellite



Severe Weather Outlook
Day 1 Outlook Day 2 Outlook Day 3 Outlook


Severe Weather Watches and Mesoscale Discussions
Watches Mesoscale Discussions
 Current Convective Watches Current Mesoscale Discussions



Heavy Snow Probability
Day 1 Heavy Snow Day 2 Heavy Snow Day 3 Heavy Snow


Heavy Ice Probability
Day 1 Heavy Ice Day 2 Heavy Ice Day 3 Heavy Ice



Excessive Rainfall Probability
Day 1 Excessive Rainfall Day 2 Excessive Rainfall Day 3 Excessive Rainfall


Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
Day 1 Precipitation Day 2 Precipitation Day 3 Precipitation



Significant River Flood Outlook
Lower Mississippi Valley Southeast United States



Tropical Weather Outlook