National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines

Spring 2022 Training Schedule


Spring 2022 Spotter Training and Outreach

With the continuing COVID-19 restrictions, all of our SKYWARN storm spotter training classes will be conducted via webinar.

We will hold a series of 15 training webinars this spring.  Everyone is invited and welcome to attend the training!

The 15 webinars will be "baseline" storm spotter training classes.  Attending one of these sessions will qualify you as a trained SKYWARN storm spotter.  If you are a veteran spotter, completing one of these sessions will satisfy your two-yearly refresher training requirement.

We are considering offering other special classes, such as advanced spotter concepts and basic radar interpretation.  These will depend on staffing availability.  Stay tuned for details.


PLEASE NOTE:  All spotter training sessions will be presented using GoToMeeting

No pre-registration is needed!  All programs will use the same direct link to the presentation!

Dates and times of spotter training webinars are subject to change.


Thu May 26

6:30-8:30 PM

Gibson Co.