Overview & Graphics
June Precipitation | June Precipitation Departure from Normal (in.) | June Precipitation Percent of Normal |
Record Wettest June and Any Month in Rockford | Top Ten Wettest Junes in Chicago |
June 2018 Summary for the Area |
Chicago and Rockford Monthly Summary
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Chicago IL
1008 AM CDT Sun Jul 1 2018 /1108 AM EDT Sun Jul 1 2018/
...A Look Back at the Climate for the Month of June 2018 for Chicago
and Rockford...
At Chicago, the average high temperature was 80.4 degrees, which is
0.7 degree above normal. The average low temperature was 62.6
degrees, which is 4.5 degrees above normal. The average temperature
for the month was 71.5 degrees which is 2.6 degrees above normal.
During the month of June, 7.63 inches of precipitation were
recorded, which is 4.18 of an inches below normal.
Three records were set for Chicago for the month of June 2018:
* Record daily precipitation of 1.31 inches on the 9th.
* Record daily warmest minimum temperature of 78 degrees on the 17th.
* Record daily highest minimum temperature of 80 degrees was tied on
the 30th.
One Top Ten Monthly Record:
**6th wettest June on record since 1871 with 7.63 inches.
At Rockford, the average high temperature was 80.8 degrees, which is
0.3 degree below normal. The average low temperature was 61.5
degrees, which is 3 degrees above normal. The average temperature
for the month was 71.2 degrees, which is 1.4 degrees above normal.
During the month of June, 14.23 inches of precipitation were
recorded, which is 9.58 inches above normal.
There were 5 records for Rockford for the month of June 2018:
* Record daily precipitation of 1.97 inches on the 9th.
* Record daily precipitation of 2.59 inches on the 15th.
* Record daily precipitation of 2.36 inches on the 21th.
* Record daily precipitation of 2.20 inches on the 26th.
* Record daily highest minimum temperature of 76 degrees on the 30.
One Top Ten Monthly Record:
**Wettest June on record since 1905 with 14.23 inches.
One All-Time Record:
***June was the Wettest month since 1905.
Monthly Climate Report: Chicago | Rockford
NWS Chicago Science and Past Events Page