National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Thunderstorms and Flash Flooding Possible in the Southeast; Critical Fire Weather Conditions in the Plains on Monday

Scattered showers and isolated strong/severe thunderstorms are expected across the Southeast through Monday with scattered instances of flash flooding possible across portions of southern Georgia and northern Florida. Dry and windy conditions may produce fire weather conditions across much of the Great Plains, especially in the Northern Plains where critical fire weather conditions are expected. Read More >

Hawaiʻi Tsunamis


  • 01 April 1946, Mw 8.6, Aleutian Islands, USA
  • 04 November 1952, Mw 9.0, Kamchatka, Russia
  • 09 March 1957, Mw 9.1, Aleutian Islands, USA
  • 22 May 1960, Mw 9.5, Chile
  • 28 March 1964, Mw 9.2, Alaska, USA


Hawai‘i is one of the most unique locations in the world for studying tsunami effects.  Not only are there large local tsunami sources, but Hawai‘i is also in the crosshairs of distant tsunamis generated along the Pacific Ring of Fire,  Hawaii maximum tsunami runups 1900 2020 20210331 large thumbnail notably from South America (18%), Kamchatka and Kuril Islands (15%), West Coast of North and Central America (13%), Alaska and Aleutian Islands (14%), and South Pacific Islands and New Zealand (12%). 

The earliest historical account of a Hawai‘i tsunami was from a 16th century Hawaiian chant that described a huge wave that struck the coast of Moloka‘i.  The earliest confirmed tsunami was on Dec 21, 1812, when a wave from Southern California was observed at Ho‘okena on the west coast of the Big Island (Hawai‘i island). Maximum runups in excess of 15 m were measured for the 1946 and 1957 distant tsunamis and the 1975 local tsunami.

Since 1812, there have been more than 160 confirmed tsunamis.  Nine tsunamis caused 293 deaths and damage totaling over USD $625 million (2022 dollars), with 86% of the fatalities on Hawai‘i island (60% in Hilo). 245 of the 293 deaths were from distant tsunami sources.

HIHistoricalTsunamiEffects 1812 2022 24x36 20220401 520x349 Hawai‘i Historical Tsunami Effects 1812-2022
To download, click here ( PDF , JPG ). See Hawai‘i Information for additional images on tsunami events affecting Hawai‘i. 


TsunamiSourcesHI 1812 2022 map thumbnail

Tsunami Sources 1812-2022
(NCEI, ITIC, 2015, 2022)

TsunamisAffectingHI 1812 2022.jpg thumbnail

Tsunamis affecting Hawai‘i

(NCEI, ITIC, 2015, 2022)


TsunamiDeathsDamageHI 1812 2022 thumbnail

Tsunami Deaths and Damage 1812-2022
(NCEI, ITIC, 2015, 2022)


TsunamisAffectingHI runuphgt 1812 2022 thumbnail

Tsunami Effects
Local and Distant Tsunamis

(NCEI, ITIC, 2015, 2022)

TsunamisinHawaii 1819 2020 thumbnail

Tsunamis in Hawai‘i
(Walker & ITIC, 2013, 2020)

All Reported and Confirmed Locally Generated Tsunamis in the Hawaiian Islands

Reported and Confirmed Locally Generated Tsunamis in Hawai`i

Local Earthquakes Causing Tsunamis in Hawai96;i

Local Earthquakes causing Tsunamis in Hawai‘i (ITIC)

estimated fatalities in hawaii 1900 2022 20220401 thumbnail

Fatalities in Hawai‘i from Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tsunami & Wildfire



Hawai96;i‘s Worst Natural Disasters (dates / cost / fatalities)

Hawai‘i‘s Worst Natural Disasters (dates / cost / fatalities)

HistoricalTsunamis 1850 2021 NOAA
Tsunamis - global (all), 
1850-2021 ( video ) ( image )


DangerousEQs M8 global USGS NOAA PTWCjpeg

Earthquakes Global, M6.5or greater
20th Century ( video )
2001-2015 ( video )
Dangerous Earthquakes, M8 or greater (image)

Earthquakes Hawaii 1861 2007   EarthquakesHawaii 1973 2018 UGSG NOAA PTWC logo
Earthquakes in Hawai‘i
State: 1861-2007 ( image )
State: 1973-2018 ( video , image )
Big Island: 2013-2018 ( video )