National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



Partnerships in the
Western Carolinas and
Northeast Georgia

GSP Integrated Warning Team

2019 Workshop Host:

Spartanburg SC


2019 Meeting Agenda

Some of the items on this year's agenda will be:

  • Upstate Climatology Kahoot Game and Icebreaker (Melissa Griffin, SC DNR)
  • SCDOT Presentation (Chris Madden and Michael Anders, SCDOT)
  • Weather-Related School Closing/Delay Decision Presentation/Panel
  • Media Panel
  • EM Panel - Preparing For and Responding To Hazardous Weather Events
  • Public Perceptions of Tornado and High Wind Warning Process (Dr. Laura Myers, Center for Advanced Public Safety, University of Alabama)
  • NWS Topics/Presentations:
    • On the Limits of Weather Prediction
    • Wind Headlines During Florence and Michael
    • Extratropical Transition: Hurricane Afterlife
    • If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look On My Face?


When is the next Integrated Warning Team (IWT) meeting?

Tuesday, March 5, 2019, Time: ~8:30 AM - ~4:00 PM

Registration: 2019 IWT Registration

If you have any questions, please contact Trisha Palmer at


Where will the 2019 IWT Meeting be held?

Spartanburg Community College - Tyger River Campus in Spartanburg, SC

1875 E Main Street, Duncan, SC 29334

(This is NOT the campus on Business 85.  Take exit 63 off of I-85 and go south just over 2mi on Hwy 290. The Sparks Center entrance will be on your left, just past the main Spartanburg Community College entrance.)

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Why have an IWT?

Post-event studies of high-impact weather events have shown that coordinated actions of an IWT play an important role in achieving a favorable public response.  Bringing NWS, EMs, and broadcast media together with other partners in the same room to discuss best practices and challenges not only lays the foundation for improved relationships between members of the IWT, but helps us to all understand how the public we serve responds to our services.


Presentations from Past Integrated Warning Team Meetings


What is an Integrated Warning Team (IWT)?

An IWT is an ad-hoc “team” of people/entities who are involved in the preparedness and response to high-impact weather event. 

An IWT Workshop is a meeting of IWT team members to discuss best practices, challenges, and ways to improve preparedness and response, and specifically to disseminate a unified message during severe/high-impact weather events.


Who is part of an IWT?

An IWT primarily consists of the National Weather Service (NWS), Emergency Management (EM) (local, state, and federal) and broadcast media. 

The IWT also includes (though is not necessarily limited to) school/university officials, first responders, transportation officials (ground and air), healthcare officials/organizations, power companies, forestry and agricultural groups, the U.S. Geological Survey, amateur radio operators, officials with large event/outdoor venues, and private companies (especially those involved with weather, safety/security, and emergency management).  Again, anyone involved in the preparedness and response to high impact weather.


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