National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Mostly Cloudy and Cold Today

A typical January day in Southwest Michigan is expected today with mostly cloudy skies, a few flurries, cold temperatures in the 20s for highs and a brisk westerly wind to make it feel a bit colder. Wind chill values will dip into the single digits. Another round of light snow is expected tonight into Thursday morning. Read More >

KMKG Winter Wind Rose KMKG Spring Wind Rose KMKG Summer Wind Rose KMKG Fall Wind Rose
Winter Wind Rose
December - February
Spring Wind Rose
March - May
Summer Wind Rose
June - August
Fall Wind Rose
September - November



The histogram shows the frequency that visibility, ceiling and ceiling/visibility reaches various flight categories.

MVFR GTE 1,000 to LTE 3,000 and/or GTE 3 to LTE 5SM
IFR GTE 500 to LT 1,000 and/or GTE 1 to LT 3SM
LIFR GTE 200 to LT 500 and/or GTE 1/2 to LT 1SM
VLIFR LT 200 and/or LT 1/2SM


Wind Rose

A wind rose is a diagram that depicts the distribution of wind direction and speed at a location over a period of time. The length of each spoke on a wind rose indicates how often the wind comes from this direction. Longer spokes mean the wind comes from this direction more often. To give you a rough idea of the percentage there are dotted rings labeled in percent. Additionally, the colors on each spoke displays how often the wind speed from this direction falls within a given range.