An active frontal boundary will set up across Michigan over the weekend, bringing rounds of showers and possible thunderstorms. Some of the storms on Sunday afternoon and evening could be severe. A sharp temperature contrast will exist across the front, with temperatures ranging from the 30 and 40s in northern Michigan to near 70 south. Read More >
Grand Rapids, MI
Weather Forecast Office
Overall, the month of January in Southwest Lower Michigan is expected to be warmer and wetter than normal. That is not to say we will not have periods of very cold temperatures, but that the warmer periods, when the entire month is averaged, will prevail. For the last 10 Januarys, 5 were warmer than normal, 2 were colder than normal and 3 where near normal between 2011 and 2020. As for precipitation, there was 5 Januarys that were wetter than normal, 4 were near normal and there was 1 below normal precipitation for the Januarys between 2011 and 2020. There is clearly a trend toward wetter Januarys. This used area wide data all of our long term climate stations averaged together.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Grand Rapids, MI
4899 Tim Dougherty Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-4034
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