National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Rainy Weekend Ahead

An active frontal boundary will set up across Michigan over the weekend, bringing rounds of showers and possible thunderstorms. A sharp temperature contrast will exist across the front, with temperatures ranging from the 30 and 40s in northern Michigan to near 70 south. Read More >



The winter of 2022-2023 was truly a tale of two winters. On the one hand, the traditional winter months of December, January and February had less snow then normal and periods of much warmer then normal temperatures. On the other hand, including November through March Grand Rapids had some daily record snowfalls and was in the top 3 for seasonal snowfall amounts. While having large snowfall events on the bookends of the season is normal for la Nina winters this was by no means a normal winter for Southwest Michigan. Here is a look back at the temperature, precipitation, snowfall, sunshine and seasonal forecast of the historic winter of 2022-2023.

There were multiple major events this past winter some of which we did post event summarys for. They are located here under Winter:

Special Thanks to retired NWS Lead Meteorologist Bill Marino. 


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