National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 8:24:39 am CDT

Extremely gusty west winds up to 65 mph and very low humidity will lead to dangerous fire weather conditions today. A dryline will move east of the I-35 corridor by the afternoon, with humidity dropping as low as 10% along with sustained winds between 20 to 40 mph. Frequent wind gusts above 50 mph and occasional gusts above 60 mph can be expected, which will lead to a high threat for grass fires and difficulty containing any existing fires. Do your part to prevent wildfires!
A High Wind Warning will be in effect for 7 AM this morning through the early evening as wind gusts approach 65 mph. Prepare for sporadic damage as well as difficult driving conditions. In addition to the High Wind Warning, a Wind Advisory is in effect elsewhere for sustained winds 20-30 mph and gusts up to 50 mph. Areas of blowing dust are expected as well with reduced visibilities.
A Red Flag Warning does not necessarily mean there is a fire ongoing, but that conditions will be extremely dry and windy. If a fire does start, it has the potential to quickly become extreme due to the critical fire weather conditions. Take precaution to not start wildfires and have a go kit ready if you are in the Red Flag Warning area.
The warm and dry conditions will continue through next week with temperatures above normal and precipitation chances expected to be very low. Low afternoon humidity and above normal temperatures will lead to a continued threat for grass fires through the upcoming week.

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