Fort Worth/Dallas, TX
Weather Forecast Office
Dallas/Fort Worth Climatology
Climate Narrative
A brief overview of the climate in North Texas.
Daily Summary (CLIDFW)
High, low, and average temperature, precipitation, snowfall, heating and cooling degree days, wind data, sky cover data, relative humidity, sunrise/sunset, and more!
Record Report (RERDFW)
A statement with information about tied/broken daily records for max/min temperatures, precipitation, and snowfall.
Previous Month's Summary (CLMDFW)
A detailed look at the previous month's temperature, precipitation, snowfall, degree days, and other data.
Current Month-to-Date Summary
A report of daily highs, lows, precipitation, average wind speed, heating and cooling degree days, as well as a running total of precipitation, average high, average low, average monthly temperature, and total degree days.
Normals, Means, and Extremes
Normals and records are displayed together on monthly and annual tabs.
Top 10 Lists - Monthly/Annual and Seasonal
The warmest, coolest, wettest, driest, and snowiest are ranked.
100° Day Records Freeze Records Miscellaneous Records
Current Hazards
Local Storm Reports
Tornado Warnings
Submit Storm Report
National Outlooks
Flash Flood Warnings
Storm Reports (Graphical)
Hazardous Weather Outlook
Severe Thunderstorm Warnings
Forecast Discussion
Graphical Forecast
Aviation Forecasts
Fire Weather
Hazard Planner
N. Texas Convective Parameters
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Fort Worth/Dallas, TX
3401 Northern Cross Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76137
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.