National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Light rain changed over to light snow by the mid afternoon on Friday January 11. After several hours of not accumulating due to warm surface temperatures snow began to pile up shortly after sunset. While the atmosphere was certainly cold enough to produce plenty of snow it was warm enough to keep the snow to liquid ratio rather low. So, while more than 1" of liquid in many areas, this translated to roughly 5 to 8 inches of snow. Some of that liquid fell as rain, but the low snow to liquid ratio caused it to be a rather densely packed snow which clung to trees across the area, forming a picturesque winter wonderland. Snow continued to fall through the day on January 12, but most of the snowfall occurred through the night between January 11 and 12. Some totals in the region exceeded 12 inches, but most areas ended up with between 5 and 8 inches. 

More snow fell through the day on Jan 12, but the bulk of it fell before 9 am. 
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The National Weather Service in Pleasant Hill measured between 7 and 8 inches through noon on January 12.

The "wet snow" clung to trees and powerlines, causing a picturesque winter wonderland.

7 to 8 inches of snow fell in Lee's Summit
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