National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

For the latest official forecast and hazards for your location, enter your city/state or zip code above!

Current Conditions  |  Severe Thunderstorms  |  Rainfall/Precipitation  |  Rivers

Tropical  |  Fire Weather  |  Winter Weather  |  National Outlooks  

Latest Briefing Image


Weather Briefing

Routine and Event Weather Briefings issued by the National Weather Forecast Office in Columbia, SC.

NWS Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook

Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook (EHWO)

Experimental graphical outlook for potential advisories, watches, and warnings in the next 7 days across southeast SC/GA and the adjacent coastal waters

NWS Enhanced Data Display (EDD)


NWS GIS Viewer

GIS-centric meteorological display interface that can display a wide range of data including observations, forecasts, radar, satellite, hazards, weather model data and much more

NWS Columbia Routine Briefings



CAE DSS Forecast and Observed Images

DSS Forecast and Observed images.



NWS Columbia Routine Briefings



SC DSS Forecast and Observed Images

DSS Forecast and Observed images




Current Conditions

Latest Surface Analysis

Surface Observations

Surface weather observations and analyses

South Carolina & Georgia
Regional Surface Map

Marine Portal

Marine/Tide Observations

Marine observations and forecasts, including sea surface temperatures and tides

NWS Charleston Marine | National Data Buoy Center | Tides | Water Temperatures

Columbia, SC Radar

Doppler Radar Imagery

WSR-88D doppler radar imagery covering southeast SC and GA

National Radar

Additional nearby radars: Charleston, SC | Wilmington, NC | Greer, SC | Robins AFB, GA | Atlanta, GA | Raleigh, NC

Rivers/Lakes AHPS


The Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) provides forecasts and observations for river, lake and tide levels

Observed Precipitation Amounts

Latest IR Satellite Image

Satellite Imagery

GOES imagery and more


Severe Thunderstorms

Current Watches

Current Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches (issued by the Storm Prediction Center)

Severe Weather Watch County Notification (WCN)

Storm Prediction Center Mesoscale Outlooks

Current Discussions

Current Mesoscale Discussions (issued by the Storm Prediction Center)

Storm Prediction Center Thunderstorm Outlooks

Severe Thunderstorm Outlooks

Outlooks indicating the probability for severe thunderstorms (issued by the NWS Storm Prediction Center)

Day 1 | Day 1 Tornado | Day 1 Hail | Day 1 Wind | Day 2 | Day 3 | Days 4-8

Storm Prediction Center Mesoscale Analysis

Mesoscale Analysis

Mesoscale analysis of current (and past) weather conditions (from the Storm Prediction Center)

Storm Reports

Storm Reports

Preliminary reports of tornadoes, hail and strong winds

Report Severe Weather/Damage To Us
X: @NWSColumbia

Additional Severe Weather Information



Text Products

Flash Flood Watch | Flash Flood Warning | Flash Flood Statement

Rainfall/Precip. Reports

CoCoRaHS Maps
Local CoCoRaHS Summary
NWPS Precipitation Analysis


WPC Precipitaton Forecasts

Precipitation Forecasts

Precipitation amount forecasts (issued by the NWS Weather Prediction Center)

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Days 1-2 | Days 1-3 | Days 4-7 | 7-Day Total | Probablistic forecasts

WPC's Day 1 Excessive Rainfall Forecast

Excessive Rainfall Outlooks

Excessive rainfall potential outlooks (issued by the NWS Weather Prediction Center)

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

SERFC Precipitation Forecast

NWS Southeast River Forecast Center Products

Various observed and forecast precipitation products for the Southeast U.S.

48-hour Outlook | Observed Precip

Report Flooding To Us
X: @NWSColumbia

SERFC Precipitation Forecast

U.S. Drought Monitor

A synthesis of multiple indices and impacts that represents a consensus of federal and academic scientists regarding drought conditions

SC | GA | NC


Additional Rainfall/Precipitation Information




SERFC Precipitation Forecast





Saluda Broad Wateree Savannah Congaree Edisto


Tropical Weather

Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook

Tropical Weather Outlook

Probability of tropical cyclone formation within the next several days

7-day Outlook

Storm Surge Inundation Probability Forecasts

NWS Columbia Tropical Weather Page

Local Tropical Information


Additional Tropical Weather Information

Fire Weather

Storm Prediction Center Day One Fire Weather Outlook

National Fire Weather Outlooks

Fire weather outlooks for the U.S. (issued by the NWS Storm Prediction Center)

Day 1 | Day 2 | Days 3-8

Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlooks

Monthly/seasonal outlooks for signficant wildland fire potential (issued by Predictive Services)

Fuel Moisture Maps

Dead fuel moisture responds solely to ambient environmental conditions and is critical in determining fire potential.

10 hr | 100 hr | 1000 hr

Fire Index Products


Additional Fire Weather Information

Winter Weather

Text Products

Winter Weather Message
Local Storm Reports
Public Information Statement
Current Observations

Check date/time to ensure the product is current.

Day 1 Winter Weather Probabiliities

Snow/Ice Probability Graphics

Probability of snow reaching or exceeding 4, 8 and 12 inches and the probability of freezing rain reaching or exceeding 0.25 inches (from the NWS Weather Prediction Center)

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

Winter Weather Impact Graphics

National Impact Graphics

Experimental products depicting model-derived winter weather impacts



CAE Winter Weather Forecasts




Report Snow/Ice Amounts and Damage to NWS Columbia


Additional Winter Weather Information

National Outlooks

NWS National Hazards Assessment

U.S. Hazards Assessment

Assessment of potential hazards related to climate, weather and hydrological events


8-14 Day Outlooks

Climate Outlooks

8-14 Day: Temp | Precip

1-Month  |  3-Month