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Current Conditions | Severe Thunderstorms | Rainfall/Precipitation | Rivers
Tropical | Fire Weather | Winter Weather | National Outlooks
Weather BriefingRoutine and Event Weather Briefings issued by the National Weather Forecast Office in Columbia, SC. |
Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook (EHWO)Experimental graphical outlook for potential advisories, watches, and warnings in the next 7 days across southeast SC/GA and the adjacent coastal waters |
NWS GIS ViewerGIS-centric meteorological display interface that can display a wide range of data including observations, forecasts, radar, satellite, hazards, weather model data and much more |
CAE DSS Forecast and Observed ImagesDSS Forecast and Observed images. .
SC DSS Forecast and Observed ImagesDSS Forecast and Observed images |
Surface ObservationsSurface weather observations and analyses |
Marine/Tide ObservationsMarine observations and forecasts, including sea surface temperatures and tides NWS Charleston Marine | National Data Buoy Center | Tides | Water Temperatures |
Doppler Radar ImageryWSR-88D doppler radar imagery covering southeast SC and GA Additional nearby radars: Charleston, SC | Wilmington, NC | Greer, SC | Robins AFB, GA | Atlanta, GA | Raleigh, NC |
Rivers/Lakes/TidesThe Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) provides forecasts and observations for river, lake and tide levels |
Satellite ImageryGOES imagery and more |
Current WatchesCurrent Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches (issued by the Storm Prediction Center) |
Current DiscussionsCurrent Mesoscale Discussions (issued by the Storm Prediction Center) |
Severe Thunderstorm OutlooksOutlooks indicating the probability for severe thunderstorms (issued by the NWS Storm Prediction Center) Day 1 | Day 1 Tornado | Day 1 Hail | Day 1 Wind | Day 2 | Day 3 | Days 4-8 |
Mesoscale AnalysisMesoscale analysis of current (and past) weather conditions (from the Storm Prediction Center) |
Storm ReportsPreliminary reports of tornadoes, hail and strong winds |
Report Severe Weather/Damage To Us
Text ProductsFlash Flood Watch | Flash Flood Warning | Flash Flood Statement |
Rainfall/Precip. ReportsCoCoRaHS Maps |
Precipitation ForecastsPrecipitation amount forecasts (issued by the NWS Weather Prediction Center) Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Days 1-2 | Days 1-3 | Days 4-7 | 7-Day Total | Probablistic forecasts |
Excessive Rainfall OutlooksExcessive rainfall potential outlooks (issued by the NWS Weather Prediction Center) |
NWS Southeast River Forecast Center ProductsVarious observed and forecast precipitation products for the Southeast U.S. |
Report Flooding To Us
U.S. Drought MonitorA synthesis of multiple indices and impacts that represents a consensus of federal and academic scientists regarding drought conditions |
Saluda | Broad | Wateree | Savannah | Congaree | Edisto |
Tropical Weather OutlookProbability of tropical cyclone formation within the next several days |
NWS Columbia Tropical Weather PageLocal Tropical Information |
National Fire Weather OutlooksFire weather outlooks for the U.S. (issued by the NWS Storm Prediction Center) Day 1 | Day 2 | Days 3-8 |
Significant Wildland Fire Potential OutlooksMonthly/seasonal outlooks for signficant wildland fire potential (issued by Predictive Services) |
Fuel Moisture MapsDead fuel moisture responds solely to ambient environmental conditions and is critical in determining fire potential. 10 hr | 100 hr | 1000 hr |
Fire Index Products |
Text ProductsWinter Weather Message Check date/time to ensure the product is current. |
Snow/Ice Probability GraphicsProbability of snow reaching or exceeding 4, 8 and 12 inches and the probability of freezing rain reaching or exceeding 0.25 inches (from the NWS Weather Prediction Center) |
National Impact GraphicsExperimental products depicting model-derived winter weather impacts
CAE Winter Weather Forecasts
U.S. Hazards AssessmentAssessment of potential hazards related to climate, weather and hydrological events
Climate Outlooks |