National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Severe Summer Weather Awareness Week: April 20-24, 2020
 Weather Alerts and Warnings 
 Severe Storms, Lightning, Wind and Hail 
 Tornado Safety Information 
 Flash Floods 
 Extreme Heat 
Don't Just Rely On The Tornado Siren!



Outdoor warning sirens are designed to warn those outside of threatening weather or some other type of an emergency. You may or may not be able to hear a siren from within your home. Sirens may offer little protection at night when you are sleeping. Also, sirens may become disabled by damaging winds causing a loss of power.

Sirens are activated primarily by city or county officials. Each city or county can establish its own guidelines for when to activate the siren, such as for severe thunderstorm warnings in addition to tornado warnings. Contact or visit the website of your city or county emergency management for outdoor siren policy.

Have Multiple Ways To Receive Severe Weather Warnings!

Always have more than one way to receive severe weather information. Damaging winds may cause power outages, rendering some ways of obtaining weather information useless. 

A NOAA Weather Radio with battery back-up capability is always a great supplement to warning sirens and television media. Weather radios will automatically alarm when a warning is issued and can be set to alarm only for your county. A NOAA Weather Radio may be life-saving, especially when you are asleep.

You can also sign up for customized text alerts of severe weather warnings on your cell phone or mobile device. Click here for more information.