National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

 Central Valley
December-January-February Precipitation

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In the Rio Grande Valley, DJF precipitation is reduced during La Niña events, with the southern station, Socorro, averaging 65% of the long term average while Albuquerque averages 88% of normal. The impact is greater during strong La Niña events, with below average precipitation during all six events, and only 39% of the average precipitation at Socorro.

A description of the graphs is located at the bottom of the page. 

winter precip for albuquerque during la nina events 
 Percent of Longterm Average for all La Niña Events = 88% , for strong La Niña Events = 71%
winter precip for socorro during la nina events 
Percent of Longterm Average for all La Niña Events = 65% , for strong La Niña Events = 36% 

Precipitation values for 3-month periods during 19 La Niña Events since 1949-50 are plotted with respect to the long term precipitation average, listed to the right of the graph.  The precipitation totals for each 3-month period are plotted above or below each bar.  Years for which the La Niña Event was considered to be strong are colored in purple. "M" represents a 3-month period with missing data. Finally, the percents of longterm normal for all La Niña events and for the strong La Niña events are listed below each graph.