National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The following tables show the climate information for Rapid City, Gillette, Lead, Winner, Lemmon, Sundance, Spearfish, Newcastle, Hot Springs, and Custer on Valentine’s Day, as well as the weather in Rapid City and Gillette for the past 10 Valentine’s Days. Average highs around the area on February 14th are mainly in the 30s, with average lows in the teens to single digits. A wide range of temperatures has occurred on Valentine’s Day, with record highs reaching the 70s in Rapid City and Winner, and record lows dipping into the 20s to 40s below zero across the area.

After a very cold Valentine's Day in 2021, 2022 and 2023 were relatively warm, with highs in the 40s and 50s. Last year was cooler and snowy, with Rapid City seeing its most snow on Valentine's Day since 2007.