Rapid City, SD
Weather Forecast Office
The lightning images below are updated daily around 7:30–8:30 AM and contain 24-h accumulations of lightning ending at 6 am MDT (5 am MST) each day. There are two sets of images for (1) NLDN cloud-to-ground flashes only and (2) GOES-East Lightning Mapper (GLM) cloud flash points. Option #1 only represents cloud-to-ground lightning flashes, and is based on a surface detection network. Option #2 does not discriminate between cloud-to-ground versus in-cloud flashes (i.e., it represents the total lightning) and is based on satellite. In-cloud lightning flashes can comprise 60–90% of the total lightning (i.e., most lightning does not reach the ground). Satellite-based lightning detection also does not depict the exact location where the flash occurred because of an issue known as "parallax." Mouse over each day to view the 24-h cumulative lightning flash maps. Printable versions are at the bottom of each of the three map segments.
24-h Cumulative NLDN Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes |
Yesterday | 2 Days Ago | 3 Days Ago | 4 Days Ago | 5 Days Ago | 6 Days Ago | 7 Days Ago | 8 Days Ago |
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Printable: Yesterday, 2 Day Ago, 3 Days Ago, 4 Days Ago, 5 Days Ago, 6 Days Ago, 7 Days Ago, 8 Days Ago
24-h Cumulative GLM Cloud Flash Points |
Yesterday | 2 Days Ago | 3 Days Ago | 4 Days Ago | 5 Days Ago | 6 Days Ago | 7 Days Ago | 8 Days Ago |
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Printable: Yesterday, 2 Day Ago, 3 Days Ago, 4 Days Ago, 5 Days Ago, 6 Days Ago, 7 Days Ago, 8 Days Ago
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Rapid City, SD
300 East Signal Drive
Rapid City, SD 57701-3800
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.