The chance (%) of Tornado Warning being issued for your location in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). [less] | [info] TORNADO | | Nil | LT2 | | Limited | 2-10 | | Elevated | 11-40 | | Significant | 41-80 | | Critical | GT80 | The chance (%) of Tornado Warning being issued for your location in the 6 hour period.[less] | [info] TORNADO6 | | Nil | LT2 | | Limited | 2-10 | | Elevated | 11-40 | | Significant | 41-80 | | Critical | GT80 | A measure of the likelihood of a significant tornado (F2 or greater) if a tornado occurs. Environmental factors including the amount of wind shear are included in this calculation. It is based on statistical correlations on tornado days since 1950. [less] | [info] EF2 TORNADO | | Nil | LT -1 | | Limited | -1 to 0 | | Elevated | 0 to 0.5 | | Significant | 0.5 to 1.5 | | Critical | GT 1.5 | The chance (%) of a Severe Thunderstorm Warning being issued for your location in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). [less] | [info] SEVERE TSTORM | | Nil | LT5 | | Limited | 5-20 | | Elevated | 21-40 | | Significant | 41-70 | | Critical | GT70 | The chance (%) of a Severe Thunderstorm Warning being issued for your location in the 6 hour period beginning at 7am-1pm-7pm-1am (CDT) or 6am-noon-6pm-midnight (CST). [less] | [info] SEVERE TSTORM6 | | Nil | LT5 | | Limited | 5-20 | | Elevated | 21-40 | | Significant | 41-70 | | Critical | GT70 | The Severe Thunderstorm Threat Potential. Probability of a severe thunderstorm warning multiplied by a factor representing the threat for max hail size and/or max wind gusts. [less] | [info] SIGSVR | | Nil | Nil | | Limited | Limited | | Elevated | Elevated | | Significant | Significant | | Critical | Critical | If thunderstorms develop or move into the area, this is a measure of the expected maximum hail size (inches) that may fall from the strongest storms. It is a measure of the possible impact (large hail) from severe storms for the period.[less] | [info] MAX HAIL_SIZE | | Nil | LT.5 | | Limited | 0.5-1.0 | | Elevated | 1.0-2.0 | | Significant | 2.0-3.0 | | Critical | GT3.0 | If thunderstorms develop or move into the area, this is a measure of the expected maximum thunderstorm wind gust (mph) that may occur with the strongest storms. It is a measure of the possible impact (high winds) from severe storms for the period.[less] | [info] MAX TSTORM_WIND | | Nil | LT40 | | Limited | 40-60 | | Elevated | 60-75 | | Significant | 75-90 | | Critical | GT90 | The chance (%) that thunderstorms will develop or move into the area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). One impact that Thunderstorms bring is the threat of cloud to ground lightning. [less] | [info] LIGHTNING | | Nil | LT15 | | Limited | 15-30 | | Elevated | 31-60 | | Significant | 60-90 | | Critical | GT90 | The chance (%) that thunderstorms will develop or move into the area in the 6 hour period beginning at 7am-1pm-7pm-1am (CDT) or 6am-noon-6pm-midnight (CST). One impact that Thunderstorms bring is the threat of cloud to ground lightning. [less] | [info] LIGHTNING6 | | Nil | LT15 | | Limited | 15-30 | | Elevated | 31-60 | | Significant | 60-90 | | Critical | GT90 | Average Storm motion (mph). [less] | [info] STORM MOTION | | Nil | LT20 | | Limited | 20-29 | | Elevated | 30-39 | | Significant | 40-50 | | Critical | GT50 | The average expected Rainfall (inches) for your location in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). Rainfall amounts are highly variable, especially in thunderstorms.[less] | [info] RAIN | | Nil | LT0.5 | | Limited | .5-1.5 | | Elevated | 1.5-2.5 | | Significant | 2.5-4.0 | | Critical | GT4.0 | The chance (%) that a flash flood warning will be issued for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). It is based on forecast average rainfall amounts and current ground conditions.[less] | [info] FLASH FLOOD | | Nil | LT5 | | Limited | 5-25 | | Elevated | 25-60 | | Significant | 60-80 | | Critical | GT80 | The forecast threat or current impact of River Flooding (category) in your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). It is based mainly on hydrologic forecasts from the River Forecast Center (ABRFC and LMRFC) and warnings issued by WFO Tulsa.[less] | [info] RIVER FLOOD | | Nil | None | | Limited | rain GT 2 in | | Elevated | minor observed | | Significant | moderate | | Critical | major | The maximum wind gusts (mph) expected for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). This does NOT include thunderstorm winds.[less] | [info] WIND | | Nil | LT25 | | Limited | 25-39 | | Elevated | 40-58 | | Significant | 59-70 | | Critical | GT70 | This is a measure of the expected fire spread conditions. If a wild fire starts due to dry ground conditions and an ignition, then this is a measure of the possible impact of that fire (spreading) due to winds, temperatures and low relative humidities.[less] | [info] FIRE DANGER | | Nil | LT30 | | Limited | 30-43 | | Elevated | 44-63 | | Significant | 64-80 | | Critical | GT80 | This is an experimental measure of the expected fire spread in grasslands in feet/minute.[less] | [info] FIRESPREADRATE | | Nil | LT150 | | Limited | 150-200 | | Elevated | 200-250 | | Significant | 250-300 | | Critical | GT300 | The forecast 24 hour snow accumulation (inches) for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST).[less] | [info] SNOW | | Nil | LT1/10 in | | Limited | 1/10-1.0 in | | Elevated | 1.1-4.0 in | | Significant | 4.1-8.0 in | | Critical | GT8.0 in | The forecast 6 hour snow accumulation (inches) for your area in the 6 hour period beginning at 7am-1pm-7pm-1am (CDT) or 6am-noon-6pm-midnight (CST).[less] | [info] SNOW6 | | Nil | LT1/10 in | | Limited | 1/10-1.0 in | | Elevated | 1.1-4.0 in | | Significant | 4.1-8.0 in | | Critical | GT8.0 in | The forecast 24 hour ice accumulation (inches) for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST).[less] | [info] ICE | | Nil | LT0.01 in | | Limited | 0.01-0.25 in | | Elevated | 0.26-0.75 in | | Significant | 0.76-1.50 in | | Critical | GT1.50 in | The forecast 6 hour ice accumulation (inches) for your area in the 6 hour period beginning at 7am-1pm-7pm-1am (CDT) or 6am-noon-6pm-midnight (CST).[less] | [info] ICE6 | | Nil | LT0.01 in | | Limited | 0.01-0.25 in | | Elevated | 0.26-0.75 in | | Significant | 0.76-1.50 in | | Critical | GT1.50 in | The Minimum 24 hour WindChill(deg F) expected for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). WindChill is a measure of the affects of temperature+wind.[less] | [info] COLD | | Nil | GT10 | | Limited | 0 to 10 | | Elevated | -5 to -1 | | Significant | -10 to -6 | | Critical | LT-10 | The Minimum 6 hour WindChill(deg F) expected for your area in the 6 hour period. WindChill is a measure of the affects of temperature+wind.[less] | [info] COLD6 | | Nil | GT10 | | Limited | 0 to 10 | | Elevated | -5 to -1 | | Significant | -10 to -6 | | Critical | LT-10 | This is a measure of expected impacts from reduced visibility from fog (most likely), smoke, blowing dust, or blowing snow.[less] | [info] VISIBILITY | | Nil | None | | Limited | patchy | | Elevated | patchy dense | | Significant | areas dense | | Critical | widespread dense | The maximum HeatIndex (deg F) expected for your area in the 24 hour period beginning at 7am (CDT) or 6am (CST). HeatIndex is a measure of the affects of temperature+humidity. [less] | [info] HEAT | | Nil | LT100 | | Limited | 100-105 | | Elevated | 105-110 | | Significant | 110-115 | | Critical | GT115 | Prototype - Under Development. Not to be used for operational use. Thanks to Dr. Vince Dimiceli (recently deceased) from ORU for help deriving this product. The Wetbulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) shown is the maximum WBGT for the 24 hour period. Usually it is highest during mid afternoon. The WBGT is a measure of the heat stress in direct sunlight which takes into account; temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle and cloud cover (solar radiation). This differs from the heat index which takes into consideration temperature and humidity and is calculated for shady areas. If you work or exercise in direct sunlight, this is a good element to monitor. Military agencies, OSHA and many nations in tropical or hot climate areas use the WBGT as a guide to managing workload in direct sunlight. Contact Steve.Amburn@noaa.gov and james.frederick@noaa.gov for more info.[less] | [info] WBGT | | Nil | LT83 | | Limited | 83-86 | | Elevated | 87-90 | | Significant | 91-93 | | Critical | GT93 | Ozone Alert for part of the area [less] | [info] AIR QUALITY | | Nil | no ozone Alert | | Limited | not used | | Elevated | Ozone Alert | | Significant | not used | | Critical | not used | Decision Support Page Introduction |
This is the NWS Tulsa Decision Support Page. It provides quick, easy access and highlights forecasts of hazardous weather during the next 7 days. | [more] [ AUDIO ] | [less] | It is a tool for public safety decision support needed to lessen the weather's impact on lives and property. Select your county or All for Eastern Oklahoma and Northwest Arkansas Use the buttons on the left to select elements and time periods. Click on the thumbnails to swap with the main frame. Click on the main frame to open related web pages. |
Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook |
This graphic is manually produced several times daily. | [more] [ AUDIO ] | [less] | It depicts expected weather features and associated hazards. |