National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

McAlester, Oklahoma
March Climate Data (Page 2)

    |-- Temp. Records --||-- Precip Records --||------ Degree Day Normals -------|
     Hi        Lo         Record     Record     Heating          Cooling
Day  Mean Year Mean Year  Rain  Year Snow  Year Day Month Season Day Month Season  Day
 1    77  2006  20  1980  1.07  1973  1.5  1994  16   16   2522    0    0      4    1 
 2    73  1976  24  1980  1.45  1988  4.0  1971  16   32   2538    0    0      4    2 
 3    72  1974  13  2002  2.10  2008    T  1975  15   47   2553    0    0      4    3 
 4    73  1967  20 *2019  2.11  1959  3.0  1989  15   62   2568    0    0      4    4 
 5    72  1956  22  1989  1.21  1957  4.0  1989  15   77   2583    0    0      4    5 
 6    74  1974  23  1989  1.02  1973  4.1  1967  15   92   2598    0    0      4    6 
 7    74  1974  26  1989  1.12  1978    T  1957  14  106   2612    0    0      4    7 
 8    74  1974  29  1967  1.79  1994    T  1998  14  120   2626    0    0      4    8 
 9    73  1990  30  1969  0.88  2006  2.0  1964  14  134   2640    0    0      4    9 
10    76  1955  30  1998  3.07  1974  0.0    --  13  147   2653    0    0      4   10 
11    80  1967  27  2022  1.69  1968  1.0  1968  13  160   2666    0    0      4   11 
12    79  1967  30  1998  1.86  1999  4.0  1958  13  173   2679    0    0      4   12 
13    77  1967  29  1975  1.38  1972  2.5  1975  12  185   2691    0    0      4   13 
14    73  2012  28  1975  2.02  1990    T  1999  12  197   2703    1    1      5   14 
15    73  2012  37  1978  2.63  2014  0.0    --  12  209   2715    1    2      6   15 
16    72  2012  35  1960  2.12  1970  0.0    --  12  221   2727    1    3      7   16 
17    73  2012  34  1960  1.63  2008    T  1970  11  232   2738    1    4      8   17 
18    72 *2012  30  1965  3.83  2008    T  1981  11  243   2749    1    5      9   18 
19    74  2017  25  1965  2.85  2002    T  1965  11  254   2760    1    6     10   19 
20    79  2017  27  1965  2.19  1968    T  1968  11  265   2771    1    7     11   20 
21    76  2017  33  1974  1.87  2022    T  1955  10  275   2781    1    8     12   21 
22    72 *2023  34  1968  1.60  1966  0.2  1968  10  285   2791    1    9     13   22 
23    72  2017  35  2006  2.85  1969    T  1965  10  295   2801    1   10     14   23 
24    72  2015  31  1965  2.11  2023    T  1965  10  305   2811    1   11     15   24 
25    71  2015  29  1965  1.49  1961  0.8  1965   9  314   2820    1   12     16   25 
26    81  2020  24  1955  2.74  1977  0.0    --   9  323   2829    1   13     17   26 
27    74  2020  31  1955  3.21  1977  0.0    --   9  332   2838    1   14     18   27 
28    78  1985  36  2009  1.20  1989  0.0    --   9  341   2847    1   15     19   28 
29    75  1963  32  1975  4.03  1985  1.0  1975   9  350   2856    1   16     20   29 
30    73  1967  36  1987  1.22  1961    T  1964   8  358   2864    1   17     21   30 
31    79  1974  42  1954  1.88  1968  0.0    --   8  366   2872    1   18     22   31 
* Indicates occurrences in previous years     ( ) Indicates monthly extremes
Period of Record:

Temperature:  1953-Present
Rainfall:     1953-Present
Snowfall:     1953-Present
Normals:      1991-2020 (30 Year Average)
(Monthly normals are computed by adding all of the daily mean data
 and then dividing by the number of days in the month)


Updated: January 24, 2025