National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Fort Smith, Arkansas
February Climate Data (Page 2)

    |-- Temp. Records --||- Precip Records -||------ Degree Day Normals -------|
     Hi        Lo         Record    Record    Heating          Cooling
Day  Mean Year Mean Year  Rain Year Snow Year Day Month Season Day Month Season  Day
 1   69.0 1911  6.0 1951  2.37 1956  2.3 1985  23   23   2026    0    0      0    1 
 2   65.0 1986 11.0 1951  1.46 1886  8.0 1885  23   46   2049    0    0      0    2 
 3   63.0 1927 13.5 1996  2.04 1997  5.2 1939  23   69   2072    0    0      0    3 
 4   66.0*1927 11.5 1886  1.16 1955  3.0 2011  23   92   2095    0    0      0    4 
 5   66.5 1927 15.5 1989  2.14 1957  2.0 1905  22  114   2117    0    0      0    5 
 6   63.5 2017 18.5*2014  1.28 1890  2.0 1903  22  136   2139    0    0      0    6 
 7   67.5 2017  0.5 1895  2.22 1900  5.1 1961  22  158   2161    0    0      0    7 
 8   68.0 2001  7.0 1895  2.63 1894  4.0*2010  22  180   2183    0    0      0    8 
 9   67.0 1957 14.0 1979  3.17 1966  5.3 2011  22  202   2205    0    0      0    9 
10   69.5 1932  9.0 1885 (3.85)1884  1.5 1940  21  223   2226    0    0      0   10 
11   67.0 2017  3.5 1899  2.41 1884  3.0 1911  21  244   2247    0    0      0   11 
12   65.5 1938(-4.0)1899  2.28 1884  3.8 1982  21  265   2268    0    0      0   12 
13   66.5 1990  5.0 1905  3.23 1949  3.9 1944  21  286   2289    0    0      0   13 
14   66.5 1954 14.5 2021  2.12 1938  3.4 1958  20  306   2309    0    0      0   14 
15   67.0 1976  5.0 2021  2.37 2001  5.3 1960  20  326   2329    0    0      0   15 
16   69.5 1911  6.0 2021  2.41 1938  3.7 1952  20  346   2349    0    0      0   16 
17   71.0 1911 14.5 1900  2.30 1938  4.9 1978  20  366   2369    0    0      0   17 
18   64.0*2011 15.0 1910  1.81 1951  7.6 1921  19  385   2388    0    0      0   18 
19   65.5 1922 18.0 1978  1.57 1939(10.7)1921  19  404   2407    0    0      0   19 
20   67.0 1922 22.0 1929  2.54 1945  6.0 1902  19  423   2426    0    0      0   20 
21   69.5 1897 22.5 1939  1.79 1969  2.5 1912  19  442   2445    0    0      0   21 
22   66.5 2024 24.0 1968  2.17 1975  2.0 2015  18  460   2463    0    0      0   22 
23   71.0 2017 24.5 1889  2.80 1985  5.5 1975  18  478   2481    0    0      0   23 
24  (73.5)1930 24.0 1960  1.86 1979  6.0 1941  18  496   2499    0    0      0   24 
25   69.5 1936 23.0 1960  1.09 1899  2.2 1893  17  513   2516    0    0      0   25 
26   67.5 1996 21.0 1934  1.43 1945  1.5 1982  17  530   2533    0    0      0   26 
27   68.0 2024 21.5 2015  1.19 1945  4.2 1945  17  547   2550    0    0      0   27 
28   69.5 2017 16.5 1890  1.35 1981  4.5 1913  17  564   2567    0    0      0   28 
29   70.5 1908 30.5 1920  0.34 2024  0.1 1980 [17  581   2584    0    0      0]  29 

* Indicates occurrences in previous years     ( ) Indicates monthly extremes
[ ] Add February 29 Degree Days to each month's total during Leap Years only
Periods of Record:

Temperature:  June 1882 - Present
Rainfall:     June 1882 - Present
Snowfall:     October 1883 - Present
Normals:      1991-2020 (30 Year Average)
(Monthly normals are computed by adding all of the daily mean data
 and then dividing by the number of days in the month)


Updated: March 10, 2025