National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Dynamical Core Documentation

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Dycore Title Description Date
FV3 A brief overview of the FV3 dynamical core General description that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/20/2016
FV3 A class of the van Leer-type Transport Schemes and Its Application to the Moisture Transport in a General Circulation Model Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 A Control-Volume Model of the Compressible Euler Equations with a Vertical Lagrangian Coordinate Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 A finite-volume integration method for computing pressure gradient force in general vertical coordinates Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 An explicit flux-form semi-Lagrangian shallow-water model on the sphere Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 A Two-Way Nested Global-Regional Dynamical Core on the Cubed-Sphere Grid Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 A "Vertically Lagrangian" Finite-Volume Dynamical Core for Global Models Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
MPAS Basic References and Contact for MPAS: Requested by DTG General information requested by the Dynamical Core Test Group. 03/03/2016
  Charter (Signed by All Participants) A Dynamical core Test Group (DTG) is hereby established to conduct this assessment. The DTG will evaluate the test plan, conduct of the test, and results of the NGGPS evaluation and provide an assessment, either individually or collectively of their evaluation to NWS management. This assessment, along with business considerations will be used in the development of the business case supporting the selection of the next dycore by NWS management. 03/20/2016
  Confidentiality Agreement (Signed by All Participants) It is understood and agreed to that the deliberations and findings of the Dycore Test Group (DTG) are considered to be sensitive in nature and must be kept confidential, at least and until the results of the evaluation are released publicly by cognizant NWS authority. 03/20/2016
FV3 Explict Diffusion in GFDL FV3 1. Divergence damping, 2. Vorticity damping, 3. Energy-, momentum-, and mass-conserving 2z filter, 4. Variables and notation 03/02/2016
FV3 Finite-volume transport on various cubed-sphere grids Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV 3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 FV3: model configurations for NGGPS User Documentation for FV3 03/02/2016
FV3 FV3 Quickstart The easy way to run an advanced finite volume dynamical core User Documentation for FV3 03/02/2016
FV3 FV3: The GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-sphere Dynamical Core General description that is part of FV3 Documentation. 02/20/2016
FV3 Global-to-Regional Nested Grid Climate Simulations in the GFDL High Resolution Atmospheric Model Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV 3 Documentation. 02/19/2016
FV3 Multidimensional Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian Transport Schemes Scientific Journal Article that is part of FV3 Documentation 02/19/2016
FV3 Namelist options in the GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core User Documentation for FV3. 03/02/2016
  Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) Dynamical Core Testing Plan (Phase 1 and Phase 2) Ultimate operational implementation of the selected future dycore will be based on a business case decision by NWS management. The existing NWS operational model capability at the time of the decision will be a significant factor as a benchmark in the selection process. The final selection process by NWS management, however, is beyond the scope of this document.

Testing will proceed through two separate batteries for Phase 1 and Phase 2 evaluation criteria. Each battery will contain tests of all evaluation criteria at that phase. Testing procedures should be negotiated among all participants and be generally acceptable to the dycore group but definitely acceptable to the DTG and NCEP/EMC.
MPAS NGGPS-DTG briefing on MPAS configuration options Technical Presentation that is part of MPAS Documentation.
MPAS Nonhydrostatic
Dynamics: Time integration scheme
Dynamics: Transport
Dynamics: Explicit Spatial Filters
Configuring the Dynamics
FV3 Overview Table of FV3: Requested by DTG This table is based on DCMIP questionnaire: Summary of technical attributes of dycore 03/02/2016
MPAS Overview Table of MPAS: Requested by DTG This table is based on DCMIP questionnaire: Summary of technical attributes of dycore 03/02/2016
  Phase 1 (Computational): NGGPS Level-1 Benchmarks and Software Evaluation Two benchmark test cases were developed and agreed to by the scientific leads of the five NGGPS modeling groups. One workload was sized to measure performance: specifically, the computational resources needed for a model to meet a given operational forecast time-to-solution requirement of 8.5 minutes per forecast day. A considerably larger case was developed to measure scalability: the model’s ability to use increased numbers of processors torun larger workloads that might be expected in the ten- to fifteen-year lifetime of NGGPS. Input datasets and model dynamical core (dycore) test codes were prepared by the individual modeling groups. These were then handed off to AVEC for final testing and benchmarking. In addition to the five NGGPS candidates, we were fortunate to include ECMWF’s Integrated Forecast System (IFS) 3 as a guest dycore. Finally, AVEC collected and summarized the benchmark results for this report. 02/09/2016
  Phase 1 (Computational): NGGPS Level-1 Software Evaluation (Addendum) This addendum provides a preliminary evaluation of the candidate model software as described in Section VI of the AVEC report and as called for in the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) Dynamical Core Testing Plan (Section V). The software evaluation is intended to highlight strengths and identify potential weaknesses with respect to maintainability, extensibility, development process, and performance portability of the candidate software packages in their current states, which are assumed to be preliminary. The evaluations involve review of self-reports by the candidate model groups in the form of responses to a questionnaire1 (completed), follow-up interviews and inspection of code (in progress), and review of documentation (not yet begun). The following interim evaluation is provided at this time to coincide with release of the completed parts of the Phase-I Test Report to the Dynamical Core Test Group. Committee members Benson, Black, Michalakes, Reinecke, and Skamarock approve this report addendum; one committee member, Mark Govett, has indicated his dissent. 02/09/2016
  Phase 1 (Science): 3 km Forecast Test Results Final Report The initial phase included a series of idealized tests, inspired by the Dynamical Core Model Inter-comparison Project of 2012 (DCMIP;, a series of performance and scalability benchmarks, and two real-data forecast tests at ~ 3-km global grid spacing. The results of the real-data ~ 3-km forecast tests are summarized in this report. The results of the idealized tests and the performance benchmarks are summarized in separate reports. 02/09/2016
  Phase 1 (Science): Idealized Test Results Final Report The initial phase of testing under HIWPP has been completed. Each dynamical core ran a series of idealized tests, inspired by the Dynamical Core Intercomparison Project of 2012 (DCMIP; The results of these tests are summarized in this document. 02/09/2016