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Climate Prediction Science and Technology Digest 1. 44th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
2. 43nd Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest DOI:10.7289/V5/CDPW-NWS-43nd-2018
3. 42nd Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest DOI:10.7289/V5/CDPW-NWS-42nd-2018
4. 41st Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
5. 40th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
6. 39th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
7. 38th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
8. 37th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
9. 36th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
10. 35th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
11. 34th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Digest
12. 33rd Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Extended Summaries Information Links |
STI Climate e-Communications 2018 May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov NOAA Climate Test Bed Joint Seminar Series Extended Summaries Collection Volume 1. Unified Modeling, Seamless Prediction and Integrated Services (2010-2011) 2. Assessment of Improvement in Climate Prediction with Outstanding R&D Needs (2009-2010) 3. Research to Operation and Operation to Research (2008-2009) 4. CFS as a Prediction System and Research Tool (2007-2008) S&T Lecture Series & Notes 1. Objective and Scope of NWS STI Download PDF 2. Uncertainty and Ensemble Forecast 3. Notes about CPC's seasonal prediction Download PDF |
Wiley Online Library - Earth Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
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