National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


From the Hydrologist-In-Charge


Welcome to the web site for the National Weather Service’s Southeast River Forecast Center (SERFC). The SERFC is responsible for the production of river forecasts for all rivers that drain into the Atlantic Ocean along the coasts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, as well as the rivers that drain into the Gulf of America from Mobile Bay to the southernmost tip of Florida -- an area of almost 270,000 square miles. In addition, we provide hydrologic support for the island of Puerto Rico.

The SERFC staff is composed of 15 dynamic individuals with civil engineering, meteorology, hydrology, and water resources expertise.

The SERFC is a lead agency in providing a wide variety of hydrometeorological information to our customers. Almost seven out of every ten inland-moving tropical storms or hurricanes affect our area. Consequently, the SERFC plays a key role in the advance warning of inland floods associated with tropical activity.

The SERFC provides water forecasts for a wide variety of customers, from five-day river forecasts to the general public to as much as a yearly outlook for water management agencies.

On this web site you will find a vast amount of hydrometeorological information. You can find five- day (at six-hour intervals) forecasts for almost 100 specific river locations. You will find Doppler radar estimates of rainfall, adjusted by rain gages. You will find ensemble streamflow projections for the next 90 days, and rainfall forecasts and a daily hydrometeorological outlook made by our meteorologists.

I hope you take some time to look around our site. I am always interested in any of your comments. Please feel free to send me an email to let me know your thoughts -- what you like about our services or what you think we could expand or improve upon.


John Schmidt