National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Hazards Across the North; Heavy Rainfall Across the Gulf Coast; Severe Weather Outlook

Moisture across the northern Plains, upper Great Lakes into northern New England will likely bring a period of snow, sleet and freezing rain through this weekend. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall continues along the Gulf Coast with areas of flooding. Fire weather conditions continue for the areas of the Plains, southern Appalachians into portions of Florida. Severe thunderstorm potential increasing. Read More >

Colorado "Day By Day" Lightning Casualty Statistics - 1980s

Welcome to the Colorado "Day By Day" Lightning Casualty Statistics page, Lightning Casualty Statistics section of the Colorado Lightning Resource Page. This page list "day by day" lightning casualty statistics in text format for the entire state of Colorado from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1989. The date, time, location (county), gender, age and a brief description are listed for each lightning casualty. Data compiled from STORM DATA plus other sources. For official data, please contact the National Centers for Environmental Information.


1989 October November December - None

1989 September

19th, 1836 mst, Larimer County: A man (age unknown) in a garage was injured by a lightning flash which hit and damaged the building

1989 August

9th, Afternoon, San Miguel County: A 34 year old man working on a roof was struck by a lightning flash.

11th, Afternoon, Larimer County: A 23 year old women was struck by lightning while backpacking in Red Feather Lakes.

19th, 1235 mst, Boulder County: A 31 year old man was killed and a 10 year old nephew was injured while they were walking underneath a tree.

1989 July

20th, 1240 mst, La Plata County: A 27 year old man was injured when a lightning flash hit a tree or pole which he was near.

22nd, 1530 mst, Routt County: A 40 year old man was killed on top of Hahns Peak. Two other woman (27 and 29 years old) and a man (age unknown) were also injured.

28th, 1700 mst, Jefferson County: Two men (26 and 39 years old) were killed when taking clothes off a clothesline which was strung between two tall trees.

1989 June

26th, 1400 mst, El Paso County: A man (age unknown) was slightly injured by a lightning flash in Colorado Springs.

1989 May

15th, 1510 mst, Jefferson County: A 47 year old male police officer was injured by a lightning flash.

1989 January, February, March, April - None


1988 October, November, December - None

1988 September

1st, 1300 mst, Gunnison County: A 33 year old man was injured by a lightning flash.

1988 August - None

1988 July

2nd, 1500 mst, Denver County: A 45 year old man was injured by a lightning flash at Cherry Creek Reservoir.

3rd, Afternoon, Summit County: Two woman (31 and 15 years old) boating on Lake Dillon were injured by a lightning flash.

4th, 1315 mst, Morgan County: Two men (34 and 62 years old) were injured by a lightning flash.

4th, 1400 mst, Gunnison County: A 32 year old man was injured by a lightning flash on top of Blue Mesa.

4th, 1410 mst, Larimer County: A 30 year old man was injured by a lightning flash while Golfing in Love land.

4th, 1530 mst, Jefferson County: A 42 year old woman was seriously injured and 4 others (age and gender unknown) slightly injured at the Jefferson County fairgrounds.

10th, 1245 mst, Jefferson County: A 25 year old man was killed when lightning hit a tree he was near.

26th, 1200 mst, Pitkin County: A 49 year old man was killed while hiking along Independence Pass.

26th, 1413 mst, Douglas County: A 9 year old girl was injured by lightning in Parker.

29th, Afternoon, La Plata County: A 37 and 11 year old woman were injured by a lightning flash in Durango.

1988 June

5th, Evening, Eagle County: A 50 year old man was killed by a lightning flash.

11th, Evening, Denver County: A 30 year old male was seriously injured by lightning while mowing his lawn in Denver.

13th, 1400 mst, Larimer County: A house under construction was hit by lightning. Debris from the flash hit a male worker slightly injuring him.

21st, Afternoon, Elbert County: A 21 year old man was killed by lightning.

22nd, 1130 mst, Larimer County: A 15 and 17 year old boys were injured, 1 seriously, by a lightning flash at Lawn Lake and Rocky Mountain National Park.

23rd, 1845 mst, El Paso County: A 66 year old man was seriously injured, while another man (age unknown)  was slightly injured by a lightning flash north of Colorado Springs.

25th, 1530 mst, Boulder County: A 25 year old man was killed by a lightning flash while rock climbing at Eldora Springs. Another 21 year old male climber nearby was also injured.

1988 May- None

1988 April

21st, 1610 mst, Adams County: Two 14 year old girls were casualties of a lightning flash while playing softball. One was killed and the other injured

1988 January, February, March - None


1987 October, November, December - None

1987 September

2nd, Evening, Denver County: Two men, ages 18 and 35, were injured seriously by a lightning flash while standing under a tree in downtown Denver.

1987 August

7th, 1930 mst, Boulder County: Lightning hit a house in Longmont injuring a woman (age unknown) inside

28th, Afternoon, El Paso County: Lightning injured 2 golfers (age and gender unknown) standing under a tree in Colorado Springs.

1987 July

2nd, Afternoon, Arapahoe County: A 63 year old man was killed by lightning while working in his backyard.

2nd, 1734 mst, Boulder County: A 10 year old boy was seriously injured and 3 others (two 9 year old boys and a 34 year old man) injured when lightning struck a soccer field in which they were playing.

8th, 1630 mst, Routt County: A 16 year old girl was killed in Topanas.

1987 June

7th, 1430 mst, Freemont County: A 31 year old man was killed by lightning near the Freemont-Park county line near Cannon City.

9th, 1345 mst, El Paso County: 3 US Air Force reserve members (age and gender unknown) were injured while working on a plane at Peterson Air Force Base. The lightning struck a pole 200 yards away and were injured by the apparent sideflash.

13th, 1400 mst, El Paso County: A 24 year old man was slightly injured by lightning while on top of Pikes Peak.

30th, Afternoon, El Paso County: A woman (age unknown) was injured by lightning in the vicinity of Ute Pass.

1987 May

12th, 1630 mst, Adams County: A man (age unknown) was injured in Aurora.

17th, Afternoon, Arapahoe County: A man (age unknown) was injured by lightning in his yard in Aurora.

1987 January, February, March, April - None


1986 July, August, September, October, November, December - None

1986 June

16th, 1930 mst, Adams County: 5 members (age and gender unknown) of a drum and bugle corps were injured by a lightning flash.

20th, 1400 mst, Douglas County: A man (age unknown) was killed by a lightning flash in Highlands Park.

1986 January, February, March, April, May - None


1985 August, September, October, November, December - None

1985 July

12th, 1430 mst, Chaffee County: A person (age and gender unknown) was injured by a lightning flash near Salida.

1985 June - None

1985 May

5th, 1745 mst, El Paso County: A man (age unknown) in Colorado Springs was injured when lightning struck a nearby tree which he was near.

18th, 1600 mst, El Paso County: A male soldier (age unknown) at Ft Carson who was in an open field was killed by a lightning flash.

1985 January, February, March, April - None


1984 September, October, November, December - None

1984 August

4th, 1634 mst, Adams County: A state trooper (age and gender unknown) was injured by a lightning flash in Northglenn.

20th, 2000 mst, Teller County: A man (age unknown) was struck and killed by lighting while riding a motorcycle near Victor.

1984 July

9th, 1200 mst, Park County: A woman was killed at timberline near Fairplay, Her husband was injured. No ages were reported.

1984 June

21st, 1900 mst, Jefferson County: 2 children (age and gender unknown)  were killed when lightning struck a tree from which they were under in their backyard.

1984 January, February, March, April, May - None


1983 October, November, December - None

1983 September

3rd, 1645 mst, Weld County: A man (age unknown) was injured when lightning struck a fence which he was near.

1983 August

5th, evening, Boulder County: A man (age unknown) was injured by lightning in Allenspark.

1983 July

10th, 1630 mst, Jefferson County: 2 people (ages and gender unknown) were injured by lightning near Morrison.

1983 June

23rd, 1330 mst, Mesa County: 2 men (ages unknown) were injured, 1 critically, when a lightning flash affected them on a golf course in Grand Junction.

1983 May - None

1983 April

11th, Afternoon, Mesa County: A man (age unknown) was killed by lightning while working in a field in Grand Junction.

1983 January, February, March - None


Note: times from 1982 and prior were local time.

1982 September, October, November, December - None

1982 August

6th, 1530 L, Clear Creek County: A man (age unknown) was seriously injured by lightning on top of Mt Evans.

9th, 1630 L, El Paso County: A golfer (age and gender unknown) was killed at Ft Carson.

16th, 2040 L, Denver: A woman (age unknown) was injured by lightning in north Denver.

17th, Evening, Larimer County: A man (age unknown) was injured in Red Feather Lakes by lightning.

1982 July - None

1982 June

19th, Afternoon, Rio Grand County: 3 people were killed and 1 injured by lightning about 6 miles SSW of South Fork. Ages and gender were not reported.

23rd, 1530 L, Denver: Two separate lightning flashes injured 3 people in southwest Denver. Ages and gender were not reported.

25th, Afternoon, Rocky Mountain National Park: A man (age unknown) was injured by lightning in Rocky Mountain National Park.

1982 May

1st, Afternoon, Montezuma County: A male farmer (age unknown) was killed by lightning at his ranch 4 miles north of Cortez.

29th, Afternoon, Denver County: 1 man was killed (age unknown) and 2 others (age and gender unknown)  injured as they stood under a tree in Washington Park.

1982 January, February, March, April - None


1981 September, October, November, December - None

1981 August

5th, Afternoon, El Paso County: A man (age unknown) was injured in Colorado Springs by lightning.

9th, Morning, Park County: 2 campers (age and gender unknown) were killed by lightning on the Summit of Mt Guyot near Fairplay.

22nd, Morning, Boulder County: Lightning injured 2 people (age and gender unknown) in Boulder.

1981 July

1st, 1715 L, El Paso County: Lightning in Colorado Springs injured 1 man (age unknown) .

18th, Afternoon, Chaffee County: A man (age unknown) was killed by lightning near Monarch Pass.

1981 June

3rd, 1200 L, Boulder County: A lightning flash killed a 22 year old woman and injured 2 others (age and gender unknown) while standing under a tree near Brainard Lake, in the foothills west of Boulder.

3rd, early afternoon, Chaffee County: A golfer (age and gender unknown) was injured by lightning in Buena Vista.

1981 May

3rd, 1230 L, Arapahoe County: 9 golfers (ages and gender unknown) were injured as the South Suburban golf course.

26th, 1215 L, El Paso County: Lightning struck a truck in Colorado Springs injuring a male driver (age unknown) inside.

28th, 1400 L, Arapahoe County: 2 separate lightning flashes injured and killed two people. A woman was killed and a boy was injured about the same time in Aurora. (ages of both unknown).

1981 January, February, March, April - None


1980 August, September, October, November, December - None

1980 July

9th, 2100 L, Jefferson County: A man (age unknown) in Conifer was killed by lightning while watching the storm.

1980 June

27th, 1412 L, Boulder County: 4 people playing baseball were injured by a lightning flash. The pitcher was seriously injured. Ages and gender were not reported.

27th, 1512 L, Jefferson County: A man (age unknown) in Bancroft was injured by lightning.

1980 January, February, March, April, May - None