Pueblo, CO
Weather Forecast Office
Looking ahead into January in Alamosa, the average high and low temperatures of 33 degrees and -2 degrees on January 1st, warm to 37 degrees and 2 degrees by the end of the month. The average temperature for the month of January in Alamosa is 16.8 degrees. Alamosa averages 0.32 inches of precipitation and 4.5 inches of snow through the month of January. On average, January is the coldest month of the year in Alamosa.
In Colorado Springs, the average high and low temperatures of 44 degrees and 18 degrees on January 1st, warm to 45 degrees and 19 degrees by the end of the month. The average temperature for the month of January in Colorado Springs is 31.7 degrees. Colorado Springs averages 0.29 inches of precipitation and 4.9 inches of snow through the month of January. On average, January is tied with December as the coldest month of the year in Colorado Springs.
In Pueblo, the average high and low temperatures of 47 degrees and 15 degrees on January 1st, warm to 49 degrees and 17 degrees by the end of the month. The average temperature for the month of January in Pueblo is 31.9 degrees. Pueblo averages 0.29 inches of precipitation and 4.9 inches of snow through the month of January. On average, January is the snowiest month of the year in Pueblo.
Below is the Climate Prediction Center's (CPC) temperature and precipitation outlook for January of 2024, which
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Pueblo, CO
3 Eaton Way
Pueblo, CO 81001-4856
(719) 948-9429
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