National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Atmospheric River in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies this Weekend

A Pacific storm and atmospheric river will impact the Pacific Northwest states and northern Rockies this weekend, bringing locally heavy low elevations rain and heavy high elevation snow in the mountains. By Sunday over the Interior Northwest, rain combined with snowmelt will increase the risk of flood hazards. Flood Watches are in effect. Read More >

    Colorado Springs Average Temperature Records










    JAN             FEB             MAR             APR       

  1. 38.2 1986   1. 41.1 1954   1. 48.0 2012   1. 53.8 1981    

  2. 37.5 1953   2. 39.9 1930   2. 47.4 1910   2. 52.4 1943  

  3. 37.0 1911   3. 39.8 2017   3. 46.7 2017   3. 52.4 2012   

  4. 36.7 1935   4. 39.1 1907   4. 45.3 1907   4. 52.1 1992

  5. 36.6 1914   5. 38.0 1926   5. 45.1 1916   5. 52.0 1930   

  6. 36.3 1934   6. 38.9 1943   6. 44.7 2004   6. 52.0 1954

  7. 36.2 2012   7. 38.9 1957   7. 44.5 2007   7. 51.6 2021

  8. 36.1 1923   8. 38.7 1963   8. 44.3 1986   8. 51.3 1925

  9. 35.8 1927   9. 38.4 1925   9. 44.1 1925   9. 51.0 2006

 10. 35.8 2003  10. 38.2 1932  10. 43.6 1989  10. 50.9 1963



     MAY             JUN             JUL             AUG

  1. 62.2 2018   1. 73.3 2012   1. 75.8 2003   1. 74.1 2011

  2. 60.8 1934   2. 71.1 2018   2. 75.5 1963   2. 74.0 2020

  3. 60.2 1958   3. 70.8 2002   3. 75.4 2012   3. 74.0 2021

  4. 60.2 1963   4. 70.5 1952   4. 75.3 1964   4. 73.1 2019

  5. 59.8 2012   5. 70.5 2011   5. 75.3 1980   5. 72.6 2007

  6. 59.7 1974   6. 70.5 2016   6. 75.1 2011   6. 72.0 1934

  7. 59.6 1996   7. 70.3 1956   7. 74.5 2016   7. 72.0 1937

  8. 59.4 2000   8. 70.0 2013   8. 74.2 2020   8. 71.9 1983

  9. 59.2 2004   9. 69.9 2006   9. 74.1 2008   9. 71.9 1995

 10. 59.2 2020  10. 69.6 2010  10. 74.0 1954  10. 71.4 1970

                         2020           2002           2000                             



SEP             OCT             NOV             DEC

  1. 68.7 2019   1. 58.2 1963   1. 47.4 1949   1. 41.0 1933

  2. 68.0 2021   2. 58.0 2016   2. 45.9 2021   2. 40.3 2021

  3. 67.3 2015   3. 57.5 1950   3. 45.5 1927   3. 39.7 1980

  4. 67.0 2010   4. 55.3 1934   4. 45.5 2017   4. 37.8 1945

  5. 65.6 1931   5. 55.3 2015   5. 45.5 1999   5. 37.7 1957

  6. 65.5 2018   6. 54.1 1921   6. 43.8 2016   6. 37.5 1906

  7. 65.4 1963   7. 53.9 1962   7. 43.7 1965   7. 37.1 1939

  8. 65.4 1998   8. 53.9 2003   8. 43.8 2012   8. 36.8 1896

  9. 65.4 2013   9. 53.7 2010   9. 43.5 1910   9. 35.7 1938

 10. 65.2 2016  10. 53.5 2014  10. 43.3 1981  10. 35.4 1962




HIGHEST MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERATURES                                                                                                                            


 1.  75.8 Jul 2003                                                                                                                            

 2.  75.5 Jul 1963                                                                                                                            

                                      3.  75.4 Jul 2012                                                                                                                            

 4.  75.3 Jul 1980                                                                                                                            

 5.  75.3 Jul 1964                                                                                                                            

 6.  75.1 Jul 2011                                                                                                                            

 7.  74.2 Jul 2020                                                                                                                            

 1.  74.1 Jul 2008                                                                                                                            

 8.  74.1 Aug 2011                                                                                                                            

10.  74.0 Jul 1954                                                                                                                            

 Aug  2020                                                                                       

   Aug  2021                                                                                       







LOWEST MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR MONTHS                                                                                                                            



          JAN                  FEB                  MAR 


      1.  16.9 1979      1.  16.8 1899       1.  25.6 1965

      2.  17.5 1930      2.  20.5 1903       2.  27.6 1906

      3.  19.6 1949      3.  21.4 1913       3.  27.8 1924

      4.  21.6 1937      4.  21.7 1960       4.  29.5 1969

      5.  21.9 1963      5.  21.8 1989       5.  30.1 1912

      6.  22.1 1962      6.  23.1 1905       6.  30.9 1964

      7.  22.3 1940      7.  23.6 1929       7.  31.3 1958

      8.  24.3 1988      8.  24.6 1895       8.  32.0 1952

      9.  24.5 2007      9.  25.1 1939       9.  32.6 1970

     10.  25.0 1932     10.  25.5 1942       10.  32.8 1917




           APR                  MAY                  JUN


      1.  38.4 1920       1.  46.7 1917       1.  57.7 1903

      2.  39.3 1957       2.  48.3 1907       2.  58.0 1912

      3.  39.5 1997       3.  49.3 1935       3.  58.3 1915

      4.  40.1 1983       4.  49.4 1995       4.  58.4 1904

      5.  40.9 1909       5.  50.2 1924       5.  59.0 1951

      6.  40.9 1973       6.  50.4 1915       6.  59.2 1895

      7.  41.0 1900       7.  50.5 1898       7.  59.7 1969

      8.  41.2 1944       8.  50.5 1983       8.  59.9 1945

      9.  41.3 1995       9.  50.7 1909       9.  60.0 1982

     10.  41.4 1945      10.  51.3 1953      10.  60.5 1907

               1984                                    1928      


           JUL                  AUG                  SEP


      1.  63.5 1895       1.  61.8 1915       1.  52.9 1912

      2.  64.3 1915       2.  63.1 1920       2.  54.3 1961

      3.  64.9 1904       3.  63.7 1927       3.  54.9 1965

      4.  65.0 1906       4.  63.9 1912       4.  55.5 1913

      5.  65.0 1912       5.  64.3 1917       5.  56.2 2006

      6.  65.2 1905       6.  64.5 2004       6.  56.6 1971

      7.  65.4 1911       7.  64.9 1903       7.  57.4 1996

      8.  65.7 1902       8.  65.0 1921       8.  57.5 1909

      9.  65.8 1908       9.  65.1 1925       9.  57.7 1896

     10.  65.9 1914      10.  65.2 1923      10.  57.7 1902





           OCT                   NOV                 DEC

      1.  41.5 1969       1.  29.8 1972       1.  18.4 1983

      2.  42.4 1923       2.  30.3 2000       2.  20.5 1932

      3.  42.7 1984       3.  31.1 1979       3.  21.6 1911

      4.  42.7 2009       4.  31.2 1929       4.  21.8 1909

      5.  43.1 2019       5.  31.5 1952       5.  21.9 1978

      6.  44.1 1911       6.  31.8 1992       6.  22.7 1914

      7.  44.1 1970       7.  32.1 1985       7.  23.2 2009

      8.  44.8 2002       8.  32.3 1993       8.  23.5 1972

      9.  45.0 1905       9.  33.0 1991       9.  24.2 1990

     10.  45.1 1898      10.  33.1 1911      10.  24.6 1913

               1925                1957                1961


LOWEST MONTHLY MEAN TEMPERATURES                                                                                                                            


 1. 16.8 Feb 1899                                                                                                                            

 2. 16.9 Jan 1979                                                                                                                            

 3. 17.5 Jan 1930                                                                                                                            

 4. 18.4 Dec 1983                                                                                                                            

 5. 19.6 Jan 1949                                                                                                                            

 6. 20.5 Dec 1932                                                                                                                            

 7. 20.6 Feb 1903                                                                                                                            

 8. 21.4 Feb 1913                                                                                                                            

 9. 21.6 Dec 1911                                                                                                                            

10. 21.6 Jan 1937                                                                                                                            



Last updated December 1, 2022.