National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Potent Storm to Impact Most of the Country This Week

Multitude of significant hazards are in the forecast this week across the country. Severe thunderstorms are expected for the eastern third of the country through mid-week. Record warmth expected across the Deep South and Southeast. Excessive rainfall potential increases for the Ohio and Mississippi Valley. Winter storm for the Sierra Nevada and Intermountain West, spreading to Northern Plains. Read More >

Colorado Springs, CO
1895 - Present
Note: The Period of Record for Colorado Springs was changed in 2009 to reflect the 
longest available record of observations in the Colorado Springs area. 
Years prior to November of 1894 could not be verified.


Values outlined in red are monthly extremes.

Date Maximum Minimum Lowest Max Highest Min Precip Snowfall
Apr. 01 81/2012 9/1936+ 29/1949 61/1946 1.36/1905 4.5/1957
Apr. 02 80/2011 3/1936 29/1999 54/1928 1.76/1957 14.5/1957
Apr. 03 80/1932 7/1957 22/1945 49/1946+ 0.57/1979 6.0/2014
Apr. 04 77/1967+ 1/1945+ 23/1983 48/1929 1.50/1900 5.6/1953
Apr. 05 77/1991 11/1933 25/1994 49/1929 1.64/1900 18.0/1900
Apr. 06 82/1991 8/1945 29/1983 50/1972 0.54/1916+ 4.4/1916
Apr. 07 79/1988+ 2/1957 24/1957 49/2015 1.00/1957 16.7/1957
Apr. 08 78/1963 0/1957 28/1973 49/2017+ 0.91/1959 11.6/1959
Apr. 09 80/1977 5/1959 29/2013+ 51/1945 1.75/1944 7.9/1959
Apr. 10 81/1960 -3/1959 24/1997 58/1896 0.71/1979 5.2/1913
Apr. 11 80/1982 8/1997+ 22/1997 56/1972 1.39/1901 16.0/1901
Apr. 12 77/2010 4/1959 29/1957 48/2014+ 0.79/1969 5.0/1896
Apr. 13 83/2006 8/1997 33/1983 50/1899 1.82/1967 13.9/1967
Apr. 14 81/2002 8/1933 27/1945 53/1936+ 0.98/1945 9.5/1945
Apr. 15 81/2002 15/1961+ 30/1951 55/1896 4.27/1921 6.7/1998
Apr. 16 80/1985 17/1904 30/1922 52/1937+ 0.72/2007 3.5/1947+
Apr. 17 80/1994 12/1901 25/1922 51/1899 0.94/1976 9.5/1976
Apr. 18 80/1987 14/1922 28/1920 51/1948 1.96/1942 7.0/1912
Apr. 19 79/1962 16/1966 27/1966 57/1919 0.82/1942 3.2/1944
Apr. 20 81/1989 13/1966 26/1907 49/1989+ 0.72/1933 8.0/1933
Apr. 21 83/1989 12/1907 32/1907 55/1932 0.52/1999 4.0/1933
Apr. 22 83/1989 21/1982 31/1909 54/1960 0.89/1999 1.8/1909
Apr. 23 81/2006+ 20/2013+ 27/2013 54/1950 0.90/1997 5.0/1999
Apr. 24 84/2012+ 18/2013 34/1947 53/1996 2.00/1997 11.1/1997
Apr. 25 81/2012+ 20/1924+ 35/1997 51/2012 0.70/1922 1.5/1908
Apr. 26 83/1981 18/1924 37/1995 53/1899 0.92/1965+ 5.0/1969
Apr. 27 82/1992 17/1984 27/1994 56/1896 1.55/1941 4.1/1957
Apr. 28 81/1910 20/1984 30/1917 54/1927 1.06/1941 1.7/1958
Apr. 29 81/2007 17/1908 28/1917 59/1910 1.75/1999 7.2/1990
Apr. 30 87/1992 16/1909 32/1909 57/1913 2.63/1999 6.0/1916