National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Team Charter


 Development of WHFS Data Sharing Strategies

1. Team Lead - WGRFC

Team Members:
  • WGRFC - Patrick Sneeringer (Leader), Bob Corby (Senior Technical Advisor), Greg Shelton;
  • WFO-FWD - Bob Carle (WFO Liaison);
  • ABRFC - Janet McCormick, James Paul, Jeff McMurphy;
  • LMRFC - Amanda Roberts, Eric Jones;
  • SERFC - Christine McGehee;
  • SRH - Ben Weiger;
  • MBRFC - Julie Meyer;
  • WFO-FSD - Mike Gillispie;
  • OHD//HL - Mark Glaudemans;
  • APRFC - Scott Lindsey.

2. Introduction


There were two objectives in the original charter: (1) develop a set of guidelines and standards that will govern the entry and maintenance of site data in the WFO Hydrometeorological Forecast System (WHFS) relational databases; and (2) establish methods to transfer information between WFO and RFC WHFS databases.

Objective (1) has been met by the functionalities in the SNOOPY/UPDATEDB software. Some (but not all) of the functionalities outlined in objective (2) have been met.

-Status of Objective (2)

A procedure has been established to have copies of unloaded databases placed on the SR server so those changes can be incorporated into copies of the database maintained by other offices, primarily for backup purposes. No mechanisms exist that will ensure changes made in one office can be CONSISTENTLY and SELECTIVELY ported to another office =s database in a manner acceptable to both the sending and receiving office. This functionality has continued to be a challenge to implement.

-New Objective (3)

Modify the WHFSTran and SNOOPY/UPDATEDB software (as applicable) so that database access commands are run under the SQLCMD software, in place of the DBACCESS software. Note: SNOOPY 1.15 runs under SQLCMD - WHFSTran also has a version running under SQLCMD. How well do these two programs work? Is any further modification required?


Needs remain the same as specified in the original charter, except for the new need given below.

The latest AWIPS software build runs under the Linux operating system. As a result, the previously used database access software, DBACCESS, is no longer valid. The SQLCMD database access package must now replace DBACCESS.

- Benefits

Benefits remain the same as specified in the original charter.

3. Significant Activity Descriptions

The following activities remain to be accomplished. Others in the table in the original charter are considered complete.

These tasks need to be completed to finish out the project.


Completion Date

1. Complete needed modifications to WHFSTran, SNOOPY, DBACCESS to ensure it can run with SQLCMD in place of DBACCESS (required to run under Linux). Patrick Sneeringer takes lead.


2. Solicit volunteers or appoint individuals to oversee the implementation of the updated WHFSTran-SNOOPY-UPDATEDB packages to a selected group of WFOs and RFCs. Oversight could be handled on a regional basis. Team leader takes lead.


3. Determine the software development approach best suited to create a means to DIRECTLY compare entries in one database to like entries in another target database. Current options are: (1) GUI and supporting scripts; or (2) merged package of WHFSTran software with the Hydrobase. Team leader to solicit volunteers or appoint.


4. Assess potential impacts of each software alternative. In particular, address the feasibility of adopting the particular piece of software in terms of development time, cost of additional items that may be required, ease of implementation, suitability to each office = s operations, and ongoing maintenance requirements.. Team leader to solicit volunteers or appoint.


5. If Option (2) in Task 3 is selected, obtain needed national support to get the full Hydrobase-WHFSTran merge required. Team leader takes lead.


6. Select appropriate individuals from the WHFS Data Sharing Team to a Software Development Team that will begin development of code as required in step (2). Selection made by Team leader with consensus of remainder of team.


7. Begin development of Version I software. Software Development Team.


8. Test Version I software at selected RFC and WFO. Evaluate results of test, and make necessary modifications for Version II. Software Development Team, and sekected WFO and RFC staff members.


9. Test Version II software at same RFC and WFO as specified in step (7). Develop Version III from results. Software Development Team, and selected WFO and RFC staff members.


10. Port Version III software to all WFOs and RFCs for field-wide test. Make modifications as necessary for final operational version. Software development team, WFOs and RFCs.


11. Compile and publish results. Entire team takes part.


4. Deliverables

1. Software or procedures to:

(a) Successfully run the WHFSTran-SNOOPY-UPDATEDB package under the Linux environment using the SQLCMD database interface software;

(b) transfer updated database components to relevant offices;

(c) successfully execute needed changes at either WFO or RFC databases.

5. Project Life

- This project is expected to take 10 to 14 months to complete.