National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Updated Project Plan

 Websites - A Unified and Consistent Approach

1. Team Lead - Dave Reed - LMRFC

Team Members:

ABRFC - James Paul, John Schmidt, Ken Pavelle, and Bill Lawrence
LMRFC - Ethan Jolly, David Welch, Kai Roth, and Connie Clarstrom
SERFC - Jack Bushong, Mark Love, and Jonathan Atwell
WGRFC - Frank Bell, Greg Shelton
NCRFC - Brian Connelly
MBRFC - Gene Derner
APRFC - Jeff Perry
WFO LBB - John Lipe
SRH - Kandis Boyd and Keith Stellman
CRH - Kevin Low
ERH - George McKillop

2. Introduction - Since 2001, the SR RFC Web Team has been working as part of a project A Websites - A Unified and Consistent Approach @ to establish standards and share web development resources on SR RFC websites. This team has implemented a consistent look to the SR RFC websites and developed two sets of regionally-based products to meet customer needs. These sets of products include: (1) precipitation products and their comparison to normal; and (2) flash flood guidance for all time periods. In addition to this project, this team has been working on converting some of the ArcView Avenue applications from ArcView 3 to version 9. Initially the team was composed of mainly representatives from Southern Region RFCs but has since expanded to contain significant resources and expertise form other regions.

Based on the success of this project in Southern Region, Central and Eastern Regions have joined the team and efforts to implement the suites of precipitation products and flash flood guidance products in their regions.

3. Significant Activity Descriptions (including responsibilities)



Cost ($)


Completion Date




Other (e.g., travel, printing, supplies)

1.Determine hardware software components necessary for national precip graphics







2.Implement prototype national precip graphics

Frank Bell (WGRFC)





March, 2005

3.Obtain funding to install necessary hardware and software






Summer 2005

4. Obtain feedback on prototype webpage






Summer, 2005

5. Complete next version of ABRFC dataviewer ro zoom to precip graphics






Spring 2005

6. Implement dataview at all SR RFCs






Summer 2005

Sub-Total Costs






Total Cost




4. Deliverables - Specific deliverables from this team include the following:

a) A website that provides precip data graphics for all areas east of the Rockies and served by RFCs in SR, CR, and ER,

b) A website that provides flash flood graphics for all areas east of the Rockies and served by RFCs in SR, CR, and ER,

c) A web application that allows a user to zoom down and specify display overlays that can be run at any RFC,

d) Implementation of (c) above at all SR RFCs

5. Project Life - This project will provide the above deliverables by the end of FY 2005 pending funding of $15,000 for hardware and software.