National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
                                            Team Charter
                   Multisensor Precipitation Estimator Operations Team

Vision: Efficient and effective use of the HYDROVIEW/MPE tool at the WFOs using              minimal human resources.

Mission: The mission is to:

  1. Identify MPE information that can be provided by the RFCs to the WFOs so WFOs can use the HYDROVIEW/MPE tool efficiently to support hydrometeorological operations. Information should include:
                    a. Rain gauge data
                    b. Precipitation bias information
                    c. MPE climatology information
  2. Define/Implement technical solutions for transferring rain gauge, precipitation bias, and MPE climatology information from the RFCs to the WFOs.

Scope of Authority/Limitations:
• Recommendations must be efficient and cost effective
      â€¢ Utilize, as required, other NWS staff for the purposes of identifying additional MPE         information and/or technical solutions that can be shared between the RFCs and         WFOs.
      â€¢ Make decisions independent of organization allegiances and past practices
      â€¢ Operate in a manner in which decisions are made by team consensus.

Termination Date: The team will commence activities in January, 2004 and remain                                   assembled no longer than 6 months.

Success Criteria/Deliverables:
      • NLT June 30, 2004: Implement technical solutions to share HYDROVIEW/MPE information                                              between RFCs and WFOs.

Team Membership:

Greg Story                 WGRFC - Team Leader
Brian Boyd                 WFO Morristown
Judi Bradberry          SERFC
Jeff Graschel             LMRFC
Dave Kitzmiller          OHD-advisor
Joel Lanier                 WFO Tallahassee
Donald Laurine         NWRFC
Kevin Low                   Central Region HQ, Hydrologic Services Division
Harold Opitz               NWRFC
Mike Shields              WFO New Orleans
Paul Tilles                  Hydrologic Software Engineering Branch, OHD