National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Team Charter


AHPS Theme Teams

Vision: Maximize AHPS resources to effectively and efficiently develop and deploy modernized hydrologic services which satisfy partner and customer needs.

Mission: Develop theme-specific FY06 work plans for the development/implementation of AHPS services. Plans should be based on an assessment of what tasks need to be completed, and in what order, to satisfy AHPS theme area requirements outlined in the ARC-approved AHPS Program Plan. Other resources which should be utilized in the development of a work plan include the NOAA Hydrology Program Managers (NHPM) Annual Guidance Memorandum (AGM), input from technical representatives (see team compositions below), user feedback (surveys and AHPS web page comments), and HOSIP/OSIP documents associated with current projects planned to extend. These resources, along with a workplan template, are available at the RFC Development Management web site:

Work plans will be integrated by the AHPS Program Coordinator (APC), reviewed by the ARC, and approved by the NOAA Hydrology Program Manager (NHPM). Teams should accomplish the following activities when preparing a work plan:

  • Review status of ongoing projects
    • Review, and update if necessary, HOSIP/OSIP documentation
  • Identify potential new projects
    • Develop initial HOSIP/OSIP documents – SON, NID, Concept of Operations, Business case information
  • Develop deliverables, cost, and schedule information
  • Identify dependencies and NWS office(s) responsible for each deliverable
  • Prioritize projects

When it is necessary to use the AHPS General Services Contract to accomplish a task, coordination with the contractor (to determine cost and schedule) will be through the AHPS Program Manager or his representative. NWS offices approved to lead a task will be responsible for deliverables. The status of work plan tasks will be monitored and reported upon quarterly by the AHPS Program Office – the teams are responsible for developing the work plan, and updating it as necessary.

Scope of Authority/Limitations:

  • Recommendations must be efficient and cost effective
  • Analysis must be objective and unbiased
  • Past or current practices, and organizational allegiances among the team members, must not be allowed to influence either the evaluation or the recommendations
  • Consensus among team members, as agreed upon by each team, is required for a decision to be made or a recommendation to be adopted. (Note: Technical representatives are not voting participants)
  • Team will consult with internal and external partners and customers if necessary

Termination Date: FY06 theme teams will commence activities on April 26, 2005, and remain assembled for the remainder of the FY.

Success Criteria/Deliverables:

  • Develop initial FY06 work plan proposals which satisfy AHPS program vision by June 24, 2005.
  • Develop revised work plans, based upon budget allocations from the ARC, by August 12, 2005. ARC budget allocations will be based upon the FY06 President’s Budget.
  • If the Congressionally enacted FY06 budget differs from the FY06 President’s Budget, revise work plans to address final FY06 appropriation. Complete work plan revisions NLT 10 business days after the Congressional FY06 appropriation is released.
  • If high priority AHPS issues arise during FY06, the effected teams will be required to update work plans within 10 business days using guidance provided by the NHPM and the APC.
Updated: May 2, 2005

Team Membership: Click here.