National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Phase 1 – Implementation Goals

The National Weather Service (NWS) Office of Hydrologic Developent (OHD) is sponsoring the first phase of HydroXC's work. The goal of phase I is the cooperative adoption of a base version of a well-accepted Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema for hydrologic forecasting. The sharing of data within the hydrologic forecasting community will be greatly enhanced through the regular use of a standardized schema. Toward this goal, the OHD has contracted with Apex Digital Systems to develop, document and publish an initial XML schema which is accepted by the members of HydroXC.

Phase I will begin by gathering any existing hydrologic schemas and other relevant data made available by and through members of HydroXC. The proposed standard schema will either be an existing schema that meets the need of the hydrologic forecasting community or an integration of existing schemas.

The culmination of Phase I will be a symposium to share the results of the schema research and development. Information will be made available on a HydroXC community website hosted by the NWS/OHD. Once the symposium has been held, Phase II of HydroXC's work will integrate the additional comments from the larger community into the XML schema and extend the schema developed in the first phase.

Phase 1 – Implementation Goals